- eightvo
- полигр. формат в 1/8 листа (полиграфия) формат в 1/8 листа
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
eightvo — n. the size of a book (ca. 16 x 23 cm) whose pages are made by folding a sheet of paper three times to form eight leaves. The pages have about half the area of a {quarto}. Symbolized as {8vo}, and {8[deg]}. Syn: octavo, 8vo, 8[deg]. [WordNet 1.5… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
eightvo — [āt′vō΄] adj., n. pl. eightvos OCTAVO * * * eight·vo (ātʹvō ) n. pl. eight·vos See octavo. [From 8vo, abbr. of … Universalium
eightvo — [āt′vō΄] adj., n. pl. eightvos OCTAVO … English World dictionary
eightvo — /ˈeɪtvoʊ/ (say aytvoh) noun (plural eightvos) 1. → octavo (def. 1). –adjective 2. → octavo (def. 2) …
eightvo — noun the size of a book whose pages are made by folding a sheet of paper three times to form eight leaves • Syn: ↑octavo, ↑8vo • Hypernyms: ↑size * * * eightˈvo noun (pl eightˈvos) and adjective same as ↑octavo … Useful english dictionary
8deg — eightvo eightvo n. the size of a book (ca. 16 x 23 cm) whose pages are made by folding a sheet of paper three times to form eight leaves. The pages have about half the area of a {quarto}. Symbolized as {8vo}, and {8[deg]}. Syn: octavo, 8vo,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
8vo — eightvo eightvo n. the size of a book (ca. 16 x 23 cm) whose pages are made by folding a sheet of paper three times to form eight leaves. The pages have about half the area of a {quarto}. Symbolized as {8vo}, and {8[deg]}. Syn: octavo, 8vo,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
8vo — n. 1. the size of a book whose pages are made by folding a sheet of paper three times to form eight leaves. Syn: octavo, eightvo [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
octavo — A book or manuscript of the third largest standard size, usually measuring 20 25 cm (8 9 1/2 inches) in height, and 13 15 cm (5 6 inches) in width, which is composed of sheets of paper folded into eight leaves ( oct is from Latin for eight).… … Glossary of Art Terms
octavo — /ɒkˈtavoʊ / (say ok tahvoh), / ˈteɪv / (say tayv ) noun 1. a book size determined by printing on sheets folded to form eight leaves or sixteen pages. Abbrev.: 8vo, 8° –adjective 2. in octavo. Also, eightvo. {New Latin in octāvō in an eighth (of a …
octavo — [äk tā′vō, äktä′vō] n. pl. octavos [< L (in) octavo, (in) eight, abl. of octavus: see OCTAVE] 1. the page size of a book made up of printer s sheets folded into eight leaves: the usual size of each leaf is 6 by 9 inches 2. a book consisting of … English World dictionary