

1. числ. поряд.
1) восемнадцатый (по порядку, по счету)
2) равный восемнадцатой части, составляющий одну восемнадцатую часть (чего-л.)
2. сущ.
1) восемнадцатая часть
2) (the eighteenth) восемнадцатое число (the *) восемнадцатое (число) - on the * of May восемнадцатого мая восемнадцатая часть;
(одна) восемнадцатая - three *s три восемнадцатых восемнадцатый (по счету) - he is in his * year ему восемнадцатый год;
- Louis the E. Людовик XVIII составляющий одну восемнадцатую > E. Amendment восемнадцатая поправка к конституции США, "сухой закон" eighteenth восемнадцатая часть ~ (the ~) восемнадцатое число ~ num. ord. восемнадцатый

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "eighteenth" в других словарях:

  • eighteenth — [ā′tēnth′] adj. [ME eihtetenthe: see EIGHTEEN & TH2] 1. preceded by seventeen others in a series; 18th 2. designating any of the eighteen equal parts of something n. 1. the one following the seventeenth 2 …   English World dictionary

  • Eighteenth — Eight eenth , a. [From {Eighteen}.] 1. Next in order after the seventeenth. [1913 Webster] 2. Consisting of one of eighteen equal parts or divisions of a thing. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Eighteenth — Eight eenth , n. 1. The quotient of a unit divided by eighteen; one of eighteen equal parts or divisions. [1913 Webster] 2. The eighth after the tenth. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • eighteenth — O.E. eahtateoða; from EIGHT (Cf. eight) + teoða “tenth” (see TITHE (Cf. tithe)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • eighteenth — /ay teenth /, adj. 1. next after the seventeenth; being the ordinal number for 18. 2. being one of 18 equal parts. n. 3. an eighteenth part, esp. of one (1/18). 4. the eighteenth member of a series. [bef. 900; ME eightenthe, eightethe, OE… …   Universalium

  • eighteenth — [[t]e͟ɪti͟ːnθ[/t]] ♦♦ ORD The eighteenth item in a series is the one that you count as number eighteen. The siege is now in its eighteenth day …   English dictionary

  • eighteenth — eight•eenth [[t]ˈeɪˈtinθ[/t]] adj. 1) next after the seventeenth; being the ordinal number for 18 2) being one of 18 equal parts 3) an eighteenth part, esp. of one (1/18) 4) the eighteenth member of a series …   From formal English to slang

  • eighteenth — 1. adjective /ˌeɪˈtiːnθ/ The ordinal form of the number eighteen. 2. noun /ˌeɪˈtiːnθ/ a) The person or thing in the eighteenth position. b) One of eighteen equal parts of a whole …   Wiktionary

  • eighteenth — eighteen ► CARDINAL NUMBER ▪ one more than seventeen; 18. (Roman numeral: xviii or XVIII.) DERIVATIVES eighteenth ordinal number …   English terms dictionary

  • Eighteenth Brumaire (disambiguation) — Eighteenth Brumaire refers to two things:*18 Brumaire, the coup d état of November, 1799 in which Napoleon took over the government of France*Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon‎, an historical work by Karl Marx about the accession to power of… …   Wikipedia

  • Eighteenth Air Force — Infobox Military Unit unit name= Eighteenth Air Force caption= Eighteenth Air Force emblem dates= March 28, 1951 January 1, 1958 October 1, 2003 Present country= United States allegiance= branch= United States Air Force type= role= size= command… …   Wikipedia

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