eight-bit byte
Смотреть что такое "eight-bit byte" в других словарях:
eight-bit byte — aštuonbitis baitas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. eight bit byte; octad; octet vok. Achtbitzeichen, n; Oktetbyte, n rus. восьмибитовый байт, m; восьмиразрядный байт, m pranc. octet, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Byte — A byte (pronounced bite , IPAEng|baɪt) is the basic unit of measurement of information storage in computer science. In many computer architectures it is a unit of memory addressing, most often consisting of eight bits. A byte is one of the basic… … Wikipedia
byte — [baɪt] also bite noun [countable] COMPUTING a unit of computer information that can hold one number or letter. A byte is made up of eight bit S (= the smallest units of storage on a computer). The amount of processing space on a computer is… … Financial and business terms
BYTE — Eight Bit Data Unit Contributor: LaRC … NASA Acronyms
Byte — • 1Byte = 8Bit, d.h. 1MByte = 8MBit oder 10MBit = 1.66MByte (der Begriff bait ist eine lautmalerische Umschreibung von bite beissen bzw. Bit times Eight [1] BYTE : The Small Systems Journal (informationswissenschaftl. Veoeffentlichungen) … Acronyms
Byte — [1] 1Byte = 8Bit, d.h. 1MByte = 8MBit oder 10MBit = 1.66MByte (der Begriff bait ist eine lautmalerische Umschreibung von bite beissen bzw. Bit times Eight [1] BYTE : The Small Systems Journal (informationswissenschaftl. Veröffentlichungen) … Acronyms von A bis Z
Eight-to-Fourteen-Modulation — (EFM) bezeichnet einen Leitungscode, welcher zur Datenaufzeichnung auf optischen Datenträgern wie Compact Disc (CDs), Minidiscs und Laserdiscs verwendet wird. Das Verfahren EFM und dessen Erweiterung EFMPlus wurde von Kees A. Schouhamer Immink… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bit rate — Bit rates Decimal prefixes (SI) Name Symbol Multiple kilobit per second kbit/s 103 megabit per second Mbit/s 106 gigabit per second Gbit/s 109 … Wikipedia
Eight-to-Fourteen Modulation — (EFM) is a data encoding technique used by CDs and pre Hi MD MiniDiscs. EFM and EFMPlus were both invented by Kees A. Schouhamer Immink. Technological classification EFM [US patent|4,501,000, EFM Patent, applied in Compact Disc, CD R, MiniDisc.]… … Wikipedia
Bit Rate Reduction — Bit Rate Reduction, or BRR, also called Bit Rate Reduced, is a name given toan audio compression method used on the SPC700 sound coprocessor used in the SNES. The method is a form of ADPCM.BRR compresses each consecutive sequence of sixteen 16… … Wikipedia
byte — ► NOUN Computing ▪ a group of binary digits (usually eight) operated on as a unit. ORIGIN based on BIT(Cf. ↑bit) and BITE(Cf. ↑biter) … English terms dictionary