Смотреть что такое "ego-state" в других словарях:
Ego-state therapy — is a psychodynamic approach to treat various behavioural and cognitive problems within a person. It uses techniques that are common in group and family therapy to resolve conflicts that constitute a family of self within a single individual.… … Wikipedia
Ego-State-Therapie — Die Ego State Therapie (englisch: ego state therapy, lateinisch ego ‚ich‘, englisch state ‚Zustand‘) ist eine psychotherapeutische Methode aus der Traumatherapie. Sie wurde von John und Helen Watkins entwickelt. Menschen, die schwer verletzt… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ego State Therapie — Die Ego State Therapie (englisch: Ego State Therapy) ist eine psychotherapeutische Methode aus der Traumatherapie. Sie wurde von John und Helen Watkins entwickelt. Menschen, die schwer verletzt wurden (Trauma), entwickeln zum Schutz ihrer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ego State Therapy — Die Ego State Therapie (englisch: Ego State Therapy) ist eine psychotherapeutische Methode aus der Traumatherapie. Sie wurde von John und Helen Watkins entwickelt. Menschen, die schwer verletzt wurden (Trauma), entwickeln zum Schutz ihrer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Теория и терапия эго-состояний (ego-state theory and therapy) — Термин «эго состояние» (ego state) впервые был предложен Паулем Федерном, коллегой Фрейда, и использовался в рамках нескольких психотерапевтических подходов, хотя и с различными значениями. Совр. система терапии эго состояний ведет свое… … Психологическая энциклопедия
Ego death — is an experience sometimes undergone by psychonauts, mystics, shamans, monks, psychologists, and others interested in exploring the depths of the mind.The practice of ego death as a deliberately sought mystical experience in some ways overlaps,… … Wikipedia
Ego psychology — is a school of psychoanalysis rooted in Sigmund Freud s structural id ego superego model of the mind.An individual interacts with the external world as well as responds to internal forces. Many psychoanalysts use a theoretical construct called… … Wikipedia
State or Way — • Stages in the spiritual life Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. State or Way State or Way (Purgative, Illuminative, Unitive) … Catholic encyclopedia
State or Way (Purgative, Illuminative, Unitive) — State or Way (Purgative, Illuminative, Unitive) † Catholic Encyclopedia ► State or Way (Purgative, Illuminative, Unitive) The word state is used in various senses by theologians and spiritual writers. It may be taken to signify a… … Catholic encyclopedia
Ego Ihenacho — is member of the Africano music band Lagbaja. Ego is a Nigerian singer. She was born in Imo state and has worked for over 10 years in the Lagbaja band. She sings a soaring solo in Lagbaja s song titled Never Far Away causing listeners to suggest… … Wikipedia
Ego Disintegration — Refimprove|date=August 2007Ego death is an experience sometimes undergone by psychonauts, mystics, shamans, monks, psychologists, and others interested in exploring the depths of the mind.The practice of ego death as a deliberately sought… … Wikipedia