effluent stream
Смотреть что такое "effluent stream" в других словарях:
effluent stream — gaining stream (a stream or a part of a stream where flow increases because of groundwater discharge) … Dictionary of ichthyology
effluent stream — See gaining stream … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Effluent — Ef flu*ent, n. (Geog.) A stream that flows out of another stream or lake. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
effluent — [ef′lo͞oənt] adj. [ME < L effluens: see EFFLUENCE] a flowing out or forth n. a thing that flows out or forth; specif., a) a stream flowing out of a body of water: opposed to AFFLUENT, n. 1 b) the outflow of a sewer, septic tank, etc … English World dictionary
effluent — I. adjective Etymology: Latin effluent , effluens, present participle of effluere to flow out, from ex + fluere to flow more at fluid Date: 1726 flowing out ; emanating, outgoing < an effluent river > II. noun Dat … New Collegiate Dictionary
effluent — /ef looh euhnt/, adj. 1. flowing out or forth. n. 2. something that flows out or forth; outflow; effluence. 3. a stream flowing out of a lake, reservoir, etc. 4. sewage that has been treated in a septic tank or sewage treatment plant. 5. sewage… … Universalium
effluent — ef•fluent [[t]ˈɛf lu ənt[/t]] adj. 1) flowing out or forth 2) something that flows out or forth; outflow; effluence 3) a stream flowing out of a lake, reservoir, etc 4) civ sewage or other liquid waste that is discharged, as into a body of water… … From formal English to slang
effluent — /ˈɛfluənt / (say efloohuhnt) adjective 1. flowing out or forth. –noun 2. that which flows out or forth; outflow. 3. a stream flowing out of another stream, a lake, etc. 4. the outflow from sewage during purification. 5. liquid industrial waste. 6 …
effluent — 1) that which flows out or forth, especially a stream flowing out of a body of water 2) wastewater such as that from a fish farm, municipal sewage plants, pollutants, and coolant waters from a nuclear power plant … Dictionary of ichthyology
effluent — 1. adjective Flowing out; outflowing. 2. noun a) A stream that flows out, such as from a lake or reservoir; an outflow; effluence. b) Sewage water that has been (partially) treated, and is released into a natural body of water; a … Wiktionary
effluent — Synonyms and related words: affluent, bayou, billabong, branch, confluent, confluent stream, dejecta, dejection, dejecture, dendritic drainage pattern, discharge, effused, effusive, egesta, ejecta, ejectamenta, ejection, excrement, excreta,… … Moby Thesaurus