effluent gas
Смотреть что такое "effluent gas" в других словарях:
Effluent — Wastewater discharge Effluent is an outflowing of water or gas from a natural body of water, or from a human made structure. Effluent is defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as “wastewater treated or untreated that flows… … Wikipedia
Induced gas flotation — (IGF) is a water treatment process that clarifies wastewaters (or other waters) by the removal of suspended matter such as oil or solids. The removal is achieved by injecting air bubbles into the water or wastewater in a flotation tank or basin.… … Wikipedia
chromatography — chromatographer, n. chromatographic /kreuh mat euh graf ik, kroh meuh teuh /, adj. chromatographically, adv. /kroh meuh tog reuh fee/, n. Chem. the separation of mixtures into their constituents by preferential adsorption by a solid, as a column… … Universalium
Panipat Refinery — is an oil refinery that was set up in 1998. It is located in Baholi village, Panipat, Haryana. Panipat is the seventh refinery belonging to Indian Oil Corporation Limited. The cost of the refinery s construction was Rs 9024 crores. It has a… … Wikipedia
environmental works — ▪ civil engineering Introduction infrastructure that provides cities and towns with water supply, waste disposal, and pollution control services. They include extensive networks of reservoirs, pipelines, treatment systems, pumping stations … Universalium
Sewage treatment — The objective of sewage treatment is to produce a disposable effluent without causing harm to the surrounding environment, and also prevent pollution.[1] Sewage treatment, or domestic wastewater treatment, is the process of removing contaminants… … Wikipedia
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations — CAFO for cattle Sw … Wikipedia
Constructed wetland — Vertical Flow type of Constructed Wetlands A constructed wetland or wetpark is an artificial wetland, marsh or swamp created as a new or restored habitat for native and migratory wildlife, for anthropogenic discharge such as wastewater,… … Wikipedia
Flame ionization detector — A flame ionization detector (FID) is a type of gas detector used in gas chromatography. The first flame ionization detector was developed in 1957 by scientists working for the CSIRO in Melbourne, Australia.… … Wikipedia
Oil palm — African Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia
Environmental impact of nuclear power — Nuclear power activities involving the environment; mining, enrichment, generation and geological disposal. The environmental impact of nuclear power results from the nuclear fuel cycle, operation, and the effects of nuclear accidents. The… … Wikipedia