effector organ

effector organ
мат. действующий орган

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "effector organ" в других словарях:

  • effector organ — effector (def. 2) …   Medical dictionary

  • effector — 1. C. Sherrington term for a peripheral tissue that receives nerve impulses and reacts by contraction (muscle), secretion (gland), or a discharge of electricity (electric organ of certain bony fishes). 2. A small …   Medical dictionary

  • effector — adj. & n. Biol. adj. acting in response to a stimulus. n. an effector organ …   Useful english dictionary

  • effector — [e fek′tər, ifek′tər] n. [L, a producer < effectus: see EFFECT] 1. a muscle, gland, cell, etc. capable of responding to a stimulus, esp. to a nerve impulse 2. that part of a nerve which transmits an impulse to an organ of response …   English World dictionary

  • effector — noun Date: 1906 1. a bodily organ (as a gland or muscle) that becomes active in response to stimulation 2. a molecule (as an inducer or a corepressor) that activates, controls, or inactivates a process or action (as protein synthesis) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • effector — /i fek teuhr/, n. 1. Also, effecter. a person or thing that effects. 2. Physiol. an organ or cell that carries out a response to a nerve impulse. 3. Biochem. a substance, as a hormone, that increases or decreases the activity of an enzyme. [1595… …   Universalium

  • effector — noun a) Any muscle, organ etc. that can respond to a stimulus from a nerve. b) The part of a nerve that carries a stimulus to a muscle etc. See Also: effect, effective, effectiveness, effectivity …   Wiktionary

  • effector — noun Biology an organ or cell that acts in response to a stimulus …   English new terms dictionary

  • effector — ef•fec•tor [[t]ɪˈfɛk tər[/t]] n. 1) Also, effecter a person or thing that effects something. 2) phl a) an organ, cell, etc., that reacts to a nerve impulse, as a muscle by contracting or a gland by secreting b) phl the part of a nerve that… …   From formal English to slang

  • effector — /əˈfɛktə/ (say uh fektuh), /i / (say ee ) noun an organ, tissue or cell that carries out a response to a nerve impulse, such as a muscle or gland. {Latin} …  

  • electric organ — noun a) An effector organ found in some fish (especially electric eels and electric catfish), that can produce a voltage large enough to aid in predation. b) The more commonly used way of saying electronic organ. Syn …   Wiktionary

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