effective valuation

effective valuation
мат. эффективная оценка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "effective valuation" в других словарях:

  • valuation — noun (C, U) a judgment about how much something is worth, how effective or useful a particular idea or plan will be etc: put a valuation on: The valuation they put on the house was far too high …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • valuation — val|u|a|tion [ˌvæljuˈeıʃən] n [U and C] 1.) a professional judgment about how much something is worth ▪ The property has a valuation of $1.6 billion. 2.) a judgment about how effective or useful a particular idea or plan will be …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Unit Valuation System — The Unit Valuation System (UVS) was developed by Mutual Funds and Unit Trusts, as a means of determining fund performance in an environment where there are frequent cash contributions and withdrawals. The UVS is commonly used by Investment Clubs… …   Wikipedia

  • fair valuation — For the purpose of determining insolvency within the definition provided by the Bankruptcy Act (Bankr Act § (19); 11 USC § 1 (19)), the fair market value of the property as between one who wants to buy and one who wants to sell, or the value that …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • equivalent units — effective units Unfinished units of production that remain in a process at the end of a period as work in progress (or process). Degrees of completion are assigned to each cost classification, which, when applied to the number of units in work in …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • equivalent units — effective units Unfinished units of production that remain in a process at the end of a period as work in progress (or process). Degrees of completion are assigned to each cost classification, which, when applied to the number of units in work in …   Accounting dictionary

  • Real estate appraisal — Real estate appraisal, property valuation or land valuation is the practice of developing an opinion of the value of real property, usually its Market Value. The need for appraisals arises from the heterogeneous nature of property as an… …   Wikipedia

  • Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act — Full title An Act to promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system, to end too big to fail , to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts, to protect consumers… …   Wikipedia

  • Tautology (logic) — In propositional logic, a tautology (from the Greek word ταυτολογία) is a propositional formula that is true under any possible valuation (also called a truth assignment or an interpretation) of its propositional variables. For example, the… …   Wikipedia

  • property tax — a tax levied on real or personal property. [1800 10] * * * Levy imposed on real estate (land and buildings) and in some jurisdictions on personal property such as automobiles, jewelry, and furniture. Some countries also levy property taxes on… …   Universalium

  • international trade — Introduction       economic transactions that are made between countries. Among the items commonly traded are consumer goods, such as television sets and clothing; capital goods, such as machinery; and raw materials and food. Other transactions… …   Universalium

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