effective process
Смотреть что такое "effective process" в других словарях:
Effective microorganism — Effective Microorganisms™, also called EM Technology™, is a brand name for a series of products utilizing a base culture called EM•1® Microbial Inoculant. EM Technology™ is an as yet scientifically unconfirmed method of improving soil quality and … Wikipedia
Process control — is a statistics and engineering discipline that deals with architectures, mechanisms, and algorithms for controlling the output of a specific process. See also control theory.For example, heating up the temperature in a room is a process that has … Wikipedia
process improvement — UK US noun [U] (also business process improvement) WORKPLACE, MANAGEMENT ► the job of examining the processes used in a company, department, project, etc. to see how they can be made more effective: »The company is now building continuous process … Financial and business terms
Effective Safety Training — The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has written voluminous workplace safety standards and regulations that affect employers and employees in the United States. It is the employer s legal responsibility to educate employees on … Wikipedia
Process safety — The area of process safety focuses on preventing fires, explosions and accidental chemical releases in chemical process facilities. Process safety is distinguished from matters of worker s health and safety issues (ie. limitations on particles or … Wikipedia
Effective field theory — In physics, an effective field theory is an approximate theory (usually a quantum field theory) that includes appropriate degrees of freedom to describe physical phenomena occurring at a chosen length scale, while ignoring substructure and… … Wikipedia
Process area (CMMI) — The latest version of Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) CMMI for Development, Version 1.3 contains 22 Process Areas that describe the aspects of product development that are to be covered by organizational processes. Contents 1 Process … Wikipedia
effective date — (1) The date on which funds will be transferred electronically from or to a customer s account. (2) The date on which cash flows due under a swap contract begin to accrue. American Banker Glossary In an interest rate swap, the date the swap… … Financial and business terms
Process corners — In semiconductor manufacturing, a process corner is an example of a design of experiments (DoE) technique that refers to a variation of fabrication parameters used in applying an integrated circuit design to a semiconductor wafer. Process corners … Wikipedia
Effective Date — The date, declared by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), on which shares can start trading. This usually refers to the date when shares become available for sale in an initial public offering. The effective date occurs approximately 20… … Investment dictionary
effective date — Date at which a process is to be completed or becomes effective … Euroclear glossary