effective measures
Смотреть что такое "effective measures" в других словарях:
effective — /əˈfɛktɪv / (say uh fektiv), /i / (say ee ) adjective 1. serving to effect the purpose; producing the intended or expected result: effective measures; effective steps towards peace. 2. actually in effect: the law becomes effective at midnight. 3 …
Effective number of codons — (abbreviated as ENC or Nc ) is a measure to study the state of Codon usage biases in genes and genomes [cite journal |author=Wright F. |title=The effective number of codons used in a gene. |journal=Gene |volume=87 |issue=1 |pages=23–29 |year=1990 … Wikipedia
effective — I. adjective Date: 14th century 1. a. producing a decided, decisive, or desired effect < an effective policy > b. impressive, striking < a gold lamé fabric studded with effective…precious stones Stanley Marcus > 2. ready for service or action … New Collegiate Dictionary
effective margin — The effective margin is the average spread over the underlying index that the investor expects to earn over the life of a floating rate security. For a floating rate security selling at its par line, the effective margin is identical to the… … Financial and business terms
Effective duration — The duration calculated using the approximate duration formula for a bond with an embedded option, reflecting the expected change in the cash flow caused by the option. Measures the responsiveness of a bond s price taking into account the… … Financial and business terms
Effective margin (EM) — Used with SAT performance measures, the amount equaling the net earned spread, or margin, of income on the assets in excess of financing costs for a given interest rate and prepayment rate scenario. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
effective duration — (1) One of several methods of expressing duration. More accurate than Macaulay duration or modified duration. See convexity, duration, Macaulay duration, and modified duration (2) A synonym for empirical duration. See empirical duration. (3) A… … Financial and business terms
cost-effective — ˌcost efˈfective adjective bringing the best possible advantages in relation to costs: • Private banking isn t cost effective for the consumer with less than about $200,000, as those customers can get most basic services at lower fees from… … Financial and business terms
cost-effective — adjective Date: 1967 economical in terms of tangible benefits produced by money spent < cost effective measures to combat poverty > • cost effectiveness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
WEIGHTS AND MEASURES — From the earliest period of their history the Jews were alive to the necessity of an accurate system of weights and measures, and an honest handling of them. The first legislation in the interest of economic righteousness in general is found in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
List of Oregon ballot measures — Elections in Oregon Federal offices Presidential elections 2000 · 2004 · 2008 Presidential primaries … Wikipedia