
1. прил.
1) зоол. неполнозубый (относящийся к отряду неполнозубых ≈ млекопитающих, среди которых муравьед, броненосец, ленивец и т. д.)
2) беззубый (без передних зубов или клыков)
2. сущ.
1) мн.;
зоол. неполнозубые (отряд млекопитающих)
2) шутл. беззубый, потерявший зубы (зоология) неполнозубые беззубый человек (ботаника) без зубцов, незубчатый (зоология) неполнозубый без передних зубов;
беззубый edentate шутл. беззубый ~ зоол. неполнозубый

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "edentate" в других словарях:

  • Edentate — E*den tate, a. 1. Destitute of teeth; as, an edentate quadruped; an edentate leaf. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) Belonging to the Edentata. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Edentate — E*den tate, n. (Zo[ o]l.) One of the Edentata. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • edentate — [ē den′tāt΄, iden′tāt΄] adj. [ModL edentatus < L, pp. of edentare, to render toothless < e , out + dens (gen. dentis), TOOTH + ATE1] 1. without teeth 2. of the edentates n. any of an order (Edentata) of mammals having only molars or no… …   English World dictionary

  • edentate — SYN: edentulous. [L. edentatus] * * * eden·tate ( )ē den .tāt adj 1) lacking teeth 2) being an edentate edentate n any mammal of the order Edentata called also xenarthran * * * eden·tate (e denґtāt) edentulous …   Medical dictionary

  • edentate — I. adjective Etymology: Latin edentatus, past participle of edentare to make toothless, from e + dent , dens tooth more at tooth Date: 1828 1. lacking teeth 2. being an edentate II. noun Date: 1835 any of an order (Edentata) of mammals having few …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • edentate — /ee den tayt/, adj. 1. belonging or pertaining to the Edentata, an order of New World mammals characterized by the absence of incisors and canines in the arrangement of teeth and comprising the armadillos, the sloths, and the South American… …   Universalium

  • edentate — n. edentate mammal, mammal that lacks incisors and canine teeth (Zoology) adj. of or pertaining to mammals that lack incisors or canine teeth; toothless …   English contemporary dictionary

  • edentate — e•den•tate [[t]iˈdɛn teɪt[/t]] adj. 1) mam belonging or pertaining to the Edentata, an order of New World mammals characterized by a reduced number of teeth and comprising armadillos, sloths, and anteaters 2) zool. toothless 3) mam an edentate… …   From formal English to slang

  • edentate — /iˈdɛnteɪt/ (say ee dentayt) adjective 1. belonging or relating to the Edentata, an order of mammals of Central and South America, comprising the armadillos, the sloths, and the South American anteaters. 2. lacking teeth; having few or no teeth.… …  

  • edentate — toothless …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • edentate — adj. [L. ex, without; dens, tooth] Being devoid of teeth or folds; edentulous adj …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

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