eddy motion
Смотреть что такое "eddy motion" в других словарях:
eddy motion — sūkurinis judėjimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. eddy motion; vortex motion vok. Wirbelbewegung, f rus. вихревое движение, n pranc. mouvement tourbillonnaire, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Eddy diffusion — or eddy dispersion or turbulent diffusion is any diffusion process by which substances are mixed in the atmosphere or in any fluid system due to eddy motion. [IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology 2nd Edition (1997) Gold Book [http://www.iupac … Wikipedia
Eddy Gordo — Eddy as he appears in Tekken 5 Series Tekken series First game Tekken 3 Voiced … Wikipedia
eddy — [ed′ē] n. pl. eddies [ME ydy, prob. < ON itha, an eddy, whirlpool < IE base * eti, and, furthermore > L et] 1. a current of air, water, etc. moving against the main current and with a circular motion; little whirlpool or whirlwind 2. a… … English World dictionary
Eddy current — This article is about the electrical phenomenon. For the Ted McKeever comic, see Eddy Current (comics). Electromagnetism … Wikipedia
Eddy Gordo — Liste des personnages de Tekken Logo de Tekken. Voici la liste des personnages de Tekken, dans l ordre chronologique de leur apparition dans la série, puis dans l ordre alphabétique. Sommaire … Wikipédia en Français
Eddy current brake — An eddy current brake, like a conventional friction brake, is responsible for slowing an object, such as a train or a roller coaster. Unlike friction brakes, which apply pressure on two separate objects, eddy current brakes slow an object by… … Wikipedia
Eddy (fluid dynamics) — Downwind of obstacles, in this case, the Madeira and the Canary Islands off the west African coast, eddies create turbulent patterns called vortex streets … Wikipedia
eddy — /ed ee/, n., pl. eddies, v., eddied, eddying. n. 1. a current at variance with the main current in a stream of liquid or gas, esp. one having a rotary or whirling motion. 2. a small whirlpool. 3. any similar current, as of air, dust, or fog. 4. a … Universalium
eddy current — an electric current in a conducting material that results from induction by a moving or varying magnetic field. [1590 1600, for an earlier sense] * * * ▪ electronics in electricity, motion of electric charge induced entirely within a… … Universalium
eddy — i. A local irregularity in wind producing gusts and lulls. Small scale eddies produce turbulent conditions. ii. The more or less circular motion produced by an obstruction in the path of moving fluid, such as against a streamlined flow on an… … Aviation dictionary