Economist — E‧con‧o‧mist [ɪˈkɒnəmst ǁ ɪˈkɑː ] noun The Economist a British weekly magazine that deals with business, economics, and politics * * * economist UK US /ɪˈkɒnəmɪst/ noun [C] ECONOMICS ► someone whose work is to study the way in which economies… … Financial and business terms
economist — e‧con‧o‧mist [ɪˈkɒnəmst ǁ ɪˈkɑː ] noun [countable] JOBS ECONOMICS someone who studies the way in which wealth is produced and used in an area: • Many economists believe the recession is ending. * * * economist UK US /ɪˈkɒnəmɪst/ noun [C]… … Financial and business terms
economist — ECONOMÍST, Ă, economişti, ste, s.m. şi f. 1. Persoană care se ocupă cu studierea şi analiza proceselor şi fenomenelor economice; specialist în ştiinţele economice. 2. Adept al economismului. – Din fr. économiste, (2) din rus. ekonomist. Trimis de … Dicționar Român
Economist — E*con o*mist, n. [Cf. F. [ e]conomiste.] 1. One who economizes, or manages domestic or other concerns with frugality; one who expends money, time, or labor, judiciously, and without waste. Economists even to parsimony. Burke. [1913 Webster] 2.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Economist — Economist, The trademark a British weekly magazine which reports business news and has articles about the economic situation in the UK and other countries, about large companies etc … Dictionary of contemporary English
economist — 1580s, household manager, from M.Fr. économiste; meaning student of political economy is from 1804; see ECONOMY (Cf. economy) + IST (Cf. ist) … Etymology dictionary
economist — ► NOUN ▪ an expert in economics … English terms dictionary
economist — [i kän′ə mist, ēkän′ə mist] n. 1. a specialist in economics 2. Archaic an economical or thrifty person … English World dictionary
Economist — An economist is an expert in the social science of economics. [ [ Princeton University WordNet definition for economist] . Retrieved on July 22, 2007.] The individual may also study, develop, and … Wikipedia
Economist — The Economist Sprache Englisch Verlag The Economist Newspaper Limited (England) Erstausgabe 1843 Erscheinungsweise … Deutsch Wikipedia
Economist — The Economist The Economist {{{nomorigine}}} Pays … Wikipédia en Français