economic crisis

economic crisis
экономический кризис

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "economic crisis" в других словарях:

  • economic crisis — /ˌi:kənɒmɪk kraɪsɪs/, economic depression /ˌi:kəˌnɒmɪk dɪ preʃ(ə)n/ noun a situation where a country is in financial collapse ● The government has introduced import controls to solve the current economic crisis …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Economic crisis of 2008 — In 2008, the possibility of an economic crisis was suggested by several important indicators of economic downturn worldwide. These included high oil prices, which led to both high food prices (due to a dependence of food production on petroleum,… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic crisis of Cameroon — The Cameroonian economic crisis was a downturn in the economy of Cameroon from the mid 1980s to the early 2000s. The crisis resulted in rising prices in Cameroon, trade deficits, and loss of government revenue. The government of Cameroon… …   Wikipedia

  • economic crisis — noun a long term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment • Syn: ↑depression, ↑slump • Derivationally related forms: ↑slump (for: ↑slump) • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • economic crisis — noun A period of economic slowdown characterised by declining productivity and devaluing of financial institutions often due to reckless and unsustainable money lending. Syn: financial crisis …   Wiktionary

  • economic crisis — state of financial and commercial hardship …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Argentine economic crisis (1999–2002) — The Argentine economic crisis was part of the situation that affected Argentina s economy during the late 1990s and early 2000s. Macroeconomically speaking, the critical period started with the decrease of real GDP in 1999 and ended in 2002 with… …   Wikipedia

  • 1994 economic crisis in Mexico — The 1994 Economic Crisis in Mexico, widely known as the Mexican peso crisis, was caused by the sudden devaluation of the Mexican peso in December 1994. The impact of the Mexican economic crisis on the Southern Cone and Brazil was labeled the… …   Wikipedia

  • South American economic crisis of 2002 — The South American Economic Crisis is the economic disturbances which have developed in 2002 in the South American countries of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. These crises have shaken confidence in the Washington also*Argentine… …   Wikipedia

  • Crisis theory — is generally associated with Marxian economics. In this context crisis refers to what is called, even currently and outside Marxian theory in many European countries a conjuncture or especially sharp bust cycle of the regular boom and bust… …   Wikipedia

  • Crisis financiera asiática — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Países más afectados por la crisis asiática. La crisis financiera asiática fue un período de dificultad financiera que se apoderó de Asia en julio de 1997 y aumentó el temor de un desastre económico mundial por… …   Wikipedia Español

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