Смотреть что такое "eclogues" в других словарях:
Eclogues (Dante) — The Eclogues are two Latin hexameter poems in the bucolic style by Dante Alighieri, named after Virgil s Eclogues . The two poems are the 68 verse Vidimus in migris albo patiente lituris and the 97 verse Velleribus Colchis prepes detectus Eous .… … Wikipedia
Eclogues — /ek lawgz, logz/, n. a collection of pastoral poems (42 37 B.C.) by Vergil. Also called Bucolics. * * * … Universalium
eclogues — noun a series of pastoral poems by … Wiktionary
eclogues — ec·logue || eklÉ’g n. short poem … English contemporary dictionary
Eclogues — /ek lawgz, logz/, n. a collection of pastoral poems (42 37 B.C.) by Vergil. Also called Bucolics … Useful english dictionary
Virgil — For other uses, see Virgil (disambiguation). Publius Vergilius Maro A profile of Virgil with laurel wreath Born October 15, 70 BC Andes, Cisalpine Gaul, Roman Republic Died … Wikipedia
Eclogue — An eclogue is a poem in a classical style on a pastoral subject. Poems in the genre are sometimes also called bucolics. The etymology of the word is a Romanization of the Greek eklogē ( polytonic|ἐκλογή ), meaning draft, choice, selection… … Wikipedia
Baptista Mantuanus — Baptista Spagnuoli Mantuanus (Italian: Battista Mantovano, English: Mantuan, also known as Johannes Baptista Spagnolo) (17 April 1447 – 20 March 1516) was an Italian Carmelite reformer, humanist, and poet. Contents 1 Biography 2 Works and… … Wikipedia
Virgil — /verr jeuhl/, n. 1. Vergil. 2. a male given name. * * * or Vergil orig. Publius Vergilius Maro born Oct. 15, 70, Andes, near Mantua died Sept. 21, 19 BC, Brundisium Greatest of Roman poets. The well educated son of a prosperous provincial farmer … Universalium
Calpurnius Siculus — ▪ Roman poet flourished 1st century AD Roman poet, author of seven pastoral eclogues (eclogue), probably written when Nero was emperor (AD 54–68). Very little is known of Calpurnius life; the name Siculus may indicate Sicilian origin… … Universalium
Pastoral — Pastoral, as an adjective, refers to the lifestyle of shepherds and pastoralists, moving livestock around larger areas of land according to seasons and availability of water and feed. Pastoral also describes literature, art and music which… … Wikipedia