ecliptic coordinates

ecliptic coordinates
мат. эклиптические координаты

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ecliptic coordinates" в других словарях:

  • ecliptic coordinates — ekliptinės koordinatės statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. ecliptic coordinates vok. ekliptikale Koordinaten, f; Ekliptikkoordinaten, f; ekliptische Koordinaten, f rus. эклиптические координаты, f pranc. coordonnées écliptiques, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Ecliptic — The ecliptic is the apparent path that the Sun traces out in the sky during the year. As it appears to move in the sky in relation to the stars, the apparent path aligns with the planets throughout the course of the year. More accurately, it is… …   Wikipedia

  • Ecliptic coordinate system — The ecliptic coordinate system is a celestial coordinate system that uses the ecliptic for its fundamental plane. The ecliptic is the path that the sun appears to follow across the sky over the course of a year. It is also the projection of the… …   Wikipedia

  • ecliptic — ecliptically, adv. /i klip tik/, n. 1. Astron. a. the great circle formed by the intersection of the plane of the earth s orbit with the celestial sphere; the apparent annual path of the sun in the heavens. b. an analogous great circle on a… …   Universalium

  • ecliptic system of coordinates — A set of celestial coordinates based on the ecliptic as the primary great circle. The points 90° from the ecliptic are the north and south celestial poles. Angular distance north or south of the ecliptic, analogous to latitude, is celestial… …   Aviation dictionary

  • ecliptic coordinate — noun : one of the coordinates in the ecliptic system of coordinates …   Useful english dictionary

  • ecliptic system of coordinates — a system of celestial coordinates based on the ecliptic compare celestial latitude, celestial longitude …   Useful english dictionary

  • ecliptic pole — noun : either of the poles in the ecliptic system of coordinates …   Useful english dictionary

  • Geocentric coordinates — are an Earth centered system of locating objects in the solar system in three dimensions along the Cartesian X, Y and Z axes. They are differentiated from topocentric coordinates which use the observer s location as the reference point for… …   Wikipedia

  • Fundamental plane (spherical coordinates) — The fundamental plane in a spherical coordinate system is a plane which divides the sphere into two hemispheres. The latitude of a point is then the angle between the fundamental plane and the line joining the point to the centre of the… …   Wikipedia

  • celestial coordinates — Set of numbers used to pinpoint the position in the sky (see celestial sphere) of a celestial object. Coordinate systems used include the horizon system (altitude and azimuth), galactic coordinates, the ecliptic system (measured relative to the… …   Universalium

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