- eccrine glands
- потовые железы
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Eccrine sweat gland — Latin glandula sudorifera merocrina; glandula sudorifera eccrina Code TH H3. … Wikipedia
eccrine — 1. SYN: exocrine (1). 2. Denoting the flow of sweat from skin glands unconnected to hair follicles. [G. ek krino, to secrete] * * * ec·crine ek rən, .rīn, .rēn adj of, relating to, having, or being eccrine glands compare APOCRINE … Medical dictionary
Eccrine sweat glands — (sometimes merocrine sweat glands) are coiled tubular glands derived from the outer layer of skin but extending into the inner layer used for body temperature regulation. In humans and many other species, they are distributed over almost the… … Wikipedia
eccrine gland — n any of the rather small sweat glands that produce a fluid secretion without removing cytoplasm from the secreting cells and that are restricted to the human skin called also eccrine sweat gland * * * eccrine sweat gland an ordinary, or simple,… … Medical dictionary
Eccrine — may refer to:* Merocrine * Eccrine sweat glands … Wikipedia
eccrine — [ek′rin, ekrīn΄, ek′rēn΄] adj. [< Gr ekkrinein, to separate, secrete: see EX 1 & ENDOCRINE] designating or of the common sweat glands of the human body that secrete the clear, watery sweat important in heat regulation: see APOCRINE … English World dictionary
eccrine — /ek rin, ruyn, reen/, adj. Physiol. 1. of or pertaining to certain sweat glands, distributed over the entire body, that secrete a type of sweat important for regulating body heat (distinguished from apocrine). 2. of or pertaining to secretions of … Universalium
eccrine gland — noun Etymology: Greek ekkrinein to secrete, from ek , ex out + krinein to separate more at certain Date: circa 1927 any of the rather small sweat glands in the human skin that produce a fluid secretion without removing cytoplasm from the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
eccrine carcinoma — any of the adnexal carcinomas that originate in the eccrine sweat glands; see also hidradenocarcinoma … Medical dictionary
eccrine hidrocystoma — a type of small, cystic adnexal tumor thought to develop from secretions of eccrine sweat glands. It may occur singly or in groups, most often on the faces of older adults, and is often exacerbated by hot weather and perspiration … Medical dictionary
eccrine gland — noun a small sweat gland that produces only a fluid; restricted to the human skin • Hypernyms: ↑sweat gland, ↑sudoriferous gland * * * noun : any of the rather small sweat glands that produce an eccrine secretion, are restricted to the human skin … Useful english dictionary