eating hall

eating hall
(американизм) университетская столовая

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "eating hall" в других словарях:

  • Hall — (h[add]l), n. [OE. halle, hal, AS. heal, heall; akin to D. hal, OS. & OHG. halla, G. halle, Icel. h[ o]ll, and prob. from a root meaning, to hide, conceal, cover. See {Hell}, {Helmet}.] 1. A building or room of considerable size and stateliness,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hall — [hôl] n. [ME halle < OE heall (akin to Ger halle), lit., that which is covered < base of helan, to cover < IE base * kel , to cover > HELL, L celare, to conceal] 1. Obs. a) the great central room in the dwelling of a king or chieftain …   English World dictionary

  • Eating clubs — The eating clubs at Princeton University are private institutions resembling both dining halls and social houses, where the majority of Princeton upperclassmen take their meals. [*cite news | first=Winnie | last=Hu | title= More Than a Meal Plan… …   Wikipedia

  • Eating disorder — An eating disorder is a compulsion to eat, or avoid eating, that negatively affects both one s physical and mental health. Eating disorders are all encompassing. They affect every part of the person s life. According to the authors of Surviving… …   Wikipedia

  • Eating — Eat redirects here. For other uses of eat , or EAT as an abbreviation or acronym, see EAT (disambiguation). Feeding redirects here. For other uses, see Feeding (disambiguation). Part of a series on Meals …   Wikipedia

  • hall — /hawl/, n. 1. a corridor or passageway in a building. 2. the large entrance room of a house or building; vestibule; lobby. 3. a large room or building for public gatherings; auditorium: convention hall; concert hall. 4. a large building for… …   Universalium

  • eating one's terms — studying law and eating the required number of meals at the Hall of the Inns of Court (which is at least three times in each of the twelve terms) in order to become a lawyer …   English contemporary dictionary

  • hall — [[t]hɔl[/t]] n. 1) a corridor or passageway in a building 2) the large entrance room of a house or building; vestibule; lobby 3) a large room or building for public gatherings; auditorium: a concert hall[/ex] 4) edu a large building for residence …   From formal English to slang

  • hall — /hɔl / (say hawl) noun 1. the entrance room or vestibule of a house or building. 2. a corridor or passageway in a building: *He tiptoed down the hall, tripped over the mat, and sneaked into the kitchen –ion l. idriess, 1932. 3. a large building… …  

  • Stanford Eating Clubs — The Stanford Eating Clubs, also known as the Toyon Eating Clubs were founded in 1892 making them the oldest student managed group on the Stanford University campus. Originally organized by students to provide much needed board services during the …   Wikipedia

  • Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest — Nathan s Wall of Fame of contest winners, 2006 …   Wikipedia

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