- easygoing
- легкий, способный (о ходе лошади) добродушно-веселый покладистый, с легким характером беззаботный, беспечный;
с ленцой
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
easygoing — eas y*go ing, easy going eas y go ing([=e]z [y^]*g[=o] [i^]ng), a. 1. Moving easily; hence, mild tempered; relaxed and casual; ease loving; inactive. Contrasted with {tense}. [WordNet sense 2] Syn: degage, easy going, laid back. [1913 Webster +… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
easygoing — index facile, lenient, malleable, nonchalant, patient, peaceable, placid, pliable, sequacious … Law dictionary
easygoing — [adj] complacent, permissive amenable, breezy, calm, carefree, casual, collected, complaisant, composed, devilmay care*, even tempered*, flexible, free and easy*, hang loose*, happy go lucky*, indolent, indulgent, informal, insouciant, laid back* … New thesaurus
easygoing — [ē′zē gō΄iŋ] adj. 1. dealing with things in a relaxed manner; not hurried or agitated 2. not strict; lenient … English World dictionary
easygoing — adjective Date: 1674 1. a. relaxed and casual in style or manner < an easygoing boss > b. morally lax 2. unhurried, comfortable < an easygoing pace > • easygoingness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
easygoing — {adj.} Amiable in manner; relaxed; not excited. * /Because Al has an easygoing personality, everybody loves him./ … Dictionary of American idioms
easygoing — {adj.} Amiable in manner; relaxed; not excited. * /Because Al has an easygoing personality, everybody loves him./ … Dictionary of American idioms
easygoing — easygoingness, n. /ee zee goh ing/, adj. 1. calm and unworried; relaxed and rather casual: an easygoing person. 2. going easily, as a horse. Also, easy going. [1665 75; EASY + GOING] * * * … Universalium
easygoing — adj Amiable in manner; relaxed; not excited. Because Al has an easygoing personality, everybody loves him … Словарь американских идиом
easygoing — adjective Fred was easygoing and a pleasure to work with Syn: relaxed, even tempered, placid, mellow, mild, happy go lucky, carefree, free and easy, nonchalant, insouciant, imperturbable; amiable, considerate, undemanding, patient, tolerant,… … Thesaurus of popular words
easygoing — adjective a) calm, relaxed, casual and informal b) unhurried … Wiktionary