Смотреть что такое "eastwardly" в других словарях:
eastwardly — [ēst′wərdlē] adv., adj. 1. toward the east 2. from the east … English World dictionary
eastwardly — /eest weuhrd lee/, adj. 1. having an eastward direction or situation. 2. coming from the east: an eastwardly wind. adv. 3. toward the east. 4. from the east. [1660 70; EASTWARD + LY] * * * … Universalium
eastwardly — /ˈistwədli/ (say eestwuhdlee) adjective 1. having an eastward direction or situation. 2. coming from the east: an eastwardly wind. –adverb 3. towards the east. 4. from the east …
eastwardly — eastward ► ADJECTIVE ▪ in an easterly direction. ► ADVERB (also eastwards) ▪ towards the east. DERIVATIVES eastwardly adjective & adverb … English terms dictionary
eastwardly — 1. adjective a) Towards the east. b) (Blowing) from the east. 2. adverb In or from an easterly direction … Wiktionary
eastwardly — adv. toward the east, in an easterly direction … English contemporary dictionary
eastwardly — east·ward·ly … English syllables
eastwardly — adverb (or adjective) : toward or from the east : easterly … Useful english dictionary
north-eastwardly — north eastˈwardly adverb and adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑north … Useful english dictionary
south-eastwardly — south eastˈwardly adverb and adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑south … Useful english dictionary
Zumbro River — The Zumbro River is a tributary of the Mississippi River in the Driftless Area of southeastern Minnesota in the United States. It is about 50 mi (80 km) long from the confluence of its principal tributaries and drains a watershed of 1,428 sq mi… … Wikipedia