
ˈi:zmənt сущ.
1) а) практичность, удобство б) удобства, подсобные помещения, пристройки, службы
2) юр. право прохода, проведения освещения и т. п. по чужой земле to grant an easement ≈ давать право прохода по чужой земле
3) уст. облегчение, успокоение (книжное) удобство;
преимущество (книжное) облегчение, смягчение, успокоение (юридическое) сервитут (специальное) полоса отвода, полоса отчуждения affirmative ~ недв. позитивный сервитут apparent ~ недв. видимый сервитут building ~ строительная полоса отчуждения create an ~ недв. выдавать сервитут easement уст. облегчение, успокоение ~ облегчение, смягчение, успокоение ~ юр. право прохода, право проведения освещения (и т. п.) по чужой земле ~ полоса отчуждения ~ пристройки, службы ~ сервитут ~ недв. сервитут ~ удобство ~ удобство, преимущество ~ concerning building недв. сервитут относительно здания ~ concerning use недв. сервитут относительно использования ~ in gross юр. личный сервитут ~ of access удобство доступа forest ~ лесной сервитут negative ~ недв. запретительный сервитут nonapparent ~ недв. спорный сервитут perpetual ~ пожизненный сервитут positive ~ недв. позитивный сервитут

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "easement" в других словарях:

  • easement — ease·ment / ēz mənt/ n [Anglo French esement, literally, benefit, convenience, from Old French aisement, from aisier to ease, assist]: an interest in land owned by another that entitles its holder to a specific limited use or enjoyment (as the… …   Law dictionary

  • easement — ease‧ment [ˈiːzmənt] noun [countable] LAW a limited right for people to use someone s land for a particular purpose: • California will have to pay owners of beach front property for an easement to allow other people to walk across their land to… …   Financial and business terms

  • Easement — Ease ment, n. [OF. aisement. See {Ease}, n.] 1. That which gives ease, relief, or assistance; convenience; accommodation. [1913 Webster] In need of every kind of relief and easement. Burke. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) A liberty, privilege, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • easement — The right held by one person to make use of the land held by another person for a limited interest. For example, a utility may have an easement over a piece of real property which allows that utility to have, for example, electrical power lines… …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • easement — (n.) late 14c., compensation, redress, from O.Fr. aisement comfort, convenience; use, enjoyment, from aisier to ease, from aise (see EASE (Cf. ease)). The meaning legal right or privilege of using something not one s own is from early 15c …   Etymology dictionary

  • easement — [n] right of way access, legal right, means of access, passage; concepts 318,685 …   New thesaurus

  • easement — [ēz′mənt] n. [ME esement < OFr aisement] 1. an easing or being eased 2. something that gives ease; a comfort, relief, or convenience 3. Law a legal interest in real property that grants the right to use in some specified manner the property of …   English World dictionary

  • Easement — For spiral easements on railroads, see Track transition curve. Property law …   Wikipedia

  • easement — A right of use over the property of another. Traditionally the permitted kinds of uses were limited, the most important being rights of way and rights concerning flowing waters. The easement was normally for the benefit of adjoining lands, no… …   Black's law dictionary

  • easement — A right of use over the property of another. Traditionally the permitted kinds of uses were limited, the most important being rights of way and rights concerning flowing waters. The easement was normally for the benefit of adjoining lands, no… …   Black's law dictionary

  • easement — /eez meuhnt/, n. 1. Law. a right held by one property owner to make use of the land of another for a limited purpose, as right of passage. 2. an easing; relief. 3. something that gives ease; a convenience. 4. Archit. a curved joint. [1350 1400;… …   Universalium

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