ease up

ease up

1) ослаблять(ся)
2) расслаблять(ся) I wish you would ease up on the children;
their behaviour gets worse when you make them nervous. ≈ Не дави так на детей, они ведут себя только хуже, если нервничают. Ease up, won't you? We shall get killed at this speed. ≈ Езжай потише, а? На такой скорости мы разобьемся.
3) потесниться, подвинуться Ask the children on the end to ease up, some more people want to sit down. ≈ Попроси детей подвинуться, сюда должны сесть еще люди. замедляться;
ослабевать - don't take life so seriously. Ease up! не воспринимайте жизнь столь серьезно. Полегче /Расслабьтесь/! - I am very busy now, but when things have eased up a little I'll come and see you сейчас я очень занят, но когда у нас станет потише, я к вам зайду потесниться, подвинуться - I wonder if you could * a little, as there are several people without seat подвиньтесь немного, пожалуйста, дайте людям сесть уступать;
поддаваться, смягчаться

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ease up" в других словарях:

  • Ease — ([=e]z), n. [OE. ese, eise, F. aise; akin to Pr. ais, aise, OIt. asio, It. agio; of uncertain origin; cf. L. ansa handle, occasion, opportunity. Cf. {Agio}, {Disease}.] 1. Satisfaction; pleasure; hence, accommodation; entertainment. [Obs.] [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ease — [iːz] verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] if limits, rules, restrictions etc are eased, or someone eases them, they become less strict: • India is easing rules for joint ventures with foreign concerns. 2. [intransitive, transitive] if interest… …   Financial and business terms

  • Ease — ([=e]z), v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. {Eased} ([=e]zd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Easing}.] [OE. esen, eisen, OF. aisier. See {Ease}, n.] 1. To free from anything that pains, disquiets, or oppresses; to relieve from toil or care; to give rest, repose, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ease — may refer to:*Ease (programming language) *Ease (novel), by Patrick Gale *EASE/ACCESS, an experiment which flew on the Space Shuttle in 1985 *Methylone, a substitute for the drug ecstacy, marketed briefly in New Zealand under the brand name… …   Wikipedia

  • Ease — 0.4 unter Ubuntu 10.10 Basisdaten Entwickler Nate Stedman, Stéphane Maniaci A …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ease — [ēz] n. [ME ese < OFr aise < VL * adjaces < L adjacens, lying nearby, hence easy to reach: see ADJACENT] 1. freedom from pain, worry, or trouble; comfort 2. freedom from stiffness, formality, or awkwardness; natural, easy manner; poise 3 …   English World dictionary

  • ease up on — [phrasal verb] 1 a ease up on (someone) : to treat (someone) in a less harsh or demanding way The students might respond better if the teacher eased up on them a little. 1 b ease up on (something) : to apply less pressure to ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • ease — [n1] peace, quiet; lack of difficulty affluence, ataraxia, bed of roses*, calm, calmness, comfort, content, contentment, easiness, enjoyment, gratification, happiness, idleness, inactivity, inertia, inertness, leisure, luxury, passivity, peace of …   New thesaurus

  • ease — ► NOUN 1) absence of difficulty or effort. 2) freedom from worries or problems. ► VERB 1) make or become less serious or severe. 2) move carefully or gradually. 3) (ease off/up) do something with more moderation …   English terms dictionary

  • Ease Up — is an EP by Mike Paradinas released in 2005 under his main moniker, µ ziq . Track listing # Ease Up 7.00 # Wergle the Proud 4.01 # Ease Up V.I.P. 12.28 …   Wikipedia

  • ease\ up — • ease off • ease up v To make or become less nervous; relax; work easier. When the boss realized that John had been overworking, he eased off his load. With success and prosperity, Mr. Smith was able to ease off. Compare: let up(3) …   Словарь американских идиом

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