earthed terminal
Смотреть что такое "earthed terminal" в других словарях:
Electrical bonding — is the practice of intentionally electrically connecting all metallic non current carrying items in a room or building as protection from electric shock. If a failure of electrical insulation occurs, all metal objects in the room will have the… … Wikipedia
London Underground infrastructure — The infrastructure of the London Underground includes 11 lines, which serve 268 stations by rail. Lines on the Underground can be classified into two types: subsurface and deep level. Lines of both types usually emerge onto the surface outside… … Wikipedia
заземленная входная цепь — заземленный вход [IEV number 312 06 13] EN earthed input circuit grounded input (US) single ended input input circuit in which one input terminal is directly earthed; this terminal is often the common point [IEV number 312 06 13] FR circuit… … Справочник технического переводчика
заземленная выходная цепь — заземленный выход [IEV number 312 06 14] EN earthed output circuit grounded output (US) single ended output output circuit in which one output terminal is directly earthed; this terminal is often the common point [IEV number 312 06 14] FR circuit … Справочник технического переводчика
Consumer mains wiring — Đomestic consumer mains wiring refers to the wiring in the house hold premises and low voltage installations. Even though arbitrary electric wiring demands detailed calculations for selection of conductor sizes, circuit breakers, voltage drops… … Wikipedia
Earth leakage circuit breaker — An Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) is a safety device used in electrical installations with high earth impedance to prevent shock.PurposeMany electrical installations have a relatively high earth impedance. This may be due to the use of a… … Wikipedia
Electrical polarity — (positive and negative) is present in every electrical circuit. Electrons flow from the negative pole to the positive pole. In a direct current (DC) circuit, one pole is always negative, the other pole is always positive and the electrons flow in … Wikipedia
Wired logic connection — A wired logic connection is a logic gate that implements boolean algebra (logic) using only diodes and resistors. It differs from a digital logic integrated circuit which utilizes transistor transistor logic (TTL). A wired logic connection can… … Wikipedia
Headphones — For other uses, see Headphones (disambiguation). Sennheiser HD555 headphones, used in audio production environments … Wikipedia
Synchrocyclotron — A synchrocyclotron is a cyclotron in which the frequency of the driving RF electric field is varied to compensate for the mass gain of the accelerated particles as their velocity begins to approach the speed of light. This is in contrast to the… … Wikipedia
Capacitor — This article is about the electronic component. For the physical phenomenon, see capacitance. For an overview of various kinds of capacitors, see types of capacitor. Capacitor Modern capacitors, by a cm ruler Type Passive … Wikipedia