- early detection
- дальнее (раннее) обнаружение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
early detection — early discovery, discovery of something before the expected or usual time of its appearance … English contemporary dictionary
Random early detection — (RED), also known as random early discard or random early drop is an active queue management algorithm. It is also a congestion avoidance algorithm. [cite journal | last = Floyd | first = Sally | coauthors = Jacobson, Van | title = Random Early… … Wikipedia
Random early detection — (RED), auch bekannt als Random early discard oder Random early drop ist ein Verfahren zum aktiven Warteschlangenmanagement in der Netzwerktechnologie und damit auch ein … Deutsch Wikipedia
Random Early Detection — Die Artikel Überlastkontrolle, Network congestion avoidance und Random early detection überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der Diskussion über diese… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Random early detection — Для термина «RED» см. другие значения. Random early detection (RED) (Произвольное Раннее Обнаружение) один из алгоритмов AQM для управления переполнением очередей маршрутизаторов … Википедия
Weighted random early detection — (WRED) is a queue management algorithm with congestion avoidance capabilities. It is an extension to Random early detection (RED) where different queues may have different buffer occupation thresholds before random dropping starts, as well as… … Wikipedia
Weighted random early detection — (WRED) /Взвешенное Произвольное Раннее Обнаружение/ один из алгоритмов AQM для управления переполнением очередей маршрутизаторов, с возможностями предотвращения перегрузок. Общие положения Оно является расширением Random early detection… … Википедия
Early prostate cancer antigen-2 — (EPCA 2) is a protein of which blood levels are elevated in prostate cancer. It appears to provide more accuracy in identifying early prostate cancer than the standard prostate cancer marker, PSA. EPCA 2 is not the name of a gene. EPCA 2 gets its … Wikipedia
detection — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ early ▪ Our aim is the early detection and treatment of all cancers. ▪ crime (esp. BrE), fraud ▪ error ▪ radiation … Collocations dictionary
detection — [[t]dɪte̱kʃ(ə)n[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT: oft N of n Detection is the act of noticing or sensing something. ...the early detection of breast cancer. 2) N UNCOUNT: oft N of n Detection is the discovery of something which is supposed to be hidden. They… … English dictionary
detection — de|tec|tion [dıˈtekʃən] n [U] when something is found that is not easy to see, hear etc, or the process of looking for it detection of ▪ Early detection of the disease is vital. escape/avoid detection ▪ By flying low, the plane avoided detection… … Dictionary of contemporary English