Смотреть что такое "earliest" в других словарях:
earliest — adj. preceding all others in time. Syn: premier, premiere. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
earliest — index original (initial), primary, prime (original) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
earliest — [[t]ɜ͟ː(r)liɪst[/t]] 1) Earliest is the superlative of early. 2) PHRASE: cl PHR At the earliest means not before the date or time mentioned. The first official results are not expected until Tuesday at the earliest … English dictionary
Earliest — Early Ear ly, a. [Compar. {Earlier} ([ e]r l[i^]*[ e]r); superl. {Earliest}.] [OE. earlich. [root]204. See {Early}, adv.] 1. In advance of the usual or appointed time; in good season; prior in time; among or near the first; opposed to {late}; as … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
earliest — ear|li|est [ˈə:liəst US ˈə:r ] n at the earliest no earlier than the time or date mentioned ▪ Work will begin in October at the very earliest … Dictionary of contemporary English
earliest — noun at the earliest no earlier than the time or date mentioned: Work will begin in October at the very earliest … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
earliest — adj. Earliest is used with these nouns: ↑date, ↑mention, ↑recollection … Collocations dictionary
earliest — I adjective (comparative and superlative of early ) more early than; most early (Freq. 2) a fashion popular in earlier times his earlier work reflects the influence of his teacher Verdi s earliest and most raucous opera • Syn: ↑earlier … Useful english dictionary
Earliest Deadline First — (EDF) ist ein Scheduling Verfahren des Betriebssystems, mit dessen Hilfe es den Prozessen (Tasks) Prozessor Zeit zuteilt. Es gehört zu den zeitbasierten Verfahren, denn es trifft seine Entscheidungen so, dass Fertigstellungstermine (Deadlines)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Earliest Deadline First — scheduling Pour les articles homonymes, voir EDF (homonymie). Algorithmes d ordonnancement EDF • Rate monotonic … Wikipédia en Français
Earliest Deadline First Scheduling — Pour les articles homonymes, voir EDF (homonymie). Algorithmes d ordonnancement EDF • Rate monotonic … Wikipédia en Français