Смотреть что такое "ear-phones" в других словарях:
EAR-PHONES — … Useful english dictionary
Ear training — or aural skills is a skill by which musicians learn to identify, solely by hearing, pitches, intervals, melody, chords, rhythms, and other basic elements of music. The application of this skill is analogous to taking dictation in written/spoken… … Wikipedia
ear — noun 1 part of the body ADJECTIVE ▪ left, right ▪ inner, middle ▪ external, outer ▪ big … Collocations dictionary
ear·phone — /ˈiɚˌfoʊn/ noun, pl phones [count] : a device that is worn over or inserted into the ear and is used for listening to something (such as music or a radio) without having other people hear it … Useful english dictionary
The Lion Has Phones — Infobox Dad s Army episode number episode name=015 The Lion Has Phones script=Jimmy Perry and David Croft director=David Croft producer=David Croft recorded=Sunday 8/6/69 original transmission=Thursday 25/9/69 7.30pm series=Three length=30… … Wikipedia
In-Ear-Ohrhörer — Kopfhörer sind kleine Schallwandler, die an oder in den Ohren getragen werden. In der Frühzeit des Radios wurde nur über Kopfhörer gehört; natürlich in Mono, also war auf beiden Hörkapseln das gleiche Signal. Es gibt auch Kopfhörer, die nur eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
aging ear — n. Age induced hearing loss, particularly of high pitched sounds. Example Citations: In that old battle of the wills between young people and their keepers, the young have found a new weapon that could change the balance of power on the cellphone … New words
Cell Phones — aging ear Apple picking approximeeting beeper boy bluejacking butt call BYOD candy bar phone … New words
earphones — ear|phones [ ır,founs ] noun plural a piece of electronic equipment with parts that you wear over your ears to listen to recorded music: HEADPHONES … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
NOS stereo technique — The NOS stereo microphone system is a very useful device to capture a stereo sound. The Nederlandse Omroep Stichting NOS = Holland Radio found by a number of practical attempts a stereo main microphone system, which results in a quite even… … Wikipedia
Radar cross section — (RCS) is a measure of how detectable an object is with a radar. For example a stealth aircraft (which is designed to be undetectable) will have design features that give it a low RCS, as opposed to a passenger airliner that will have a high… … Wikipedia