ear of corn
Смотреть что такое "ear of corn" в других словарях:
ear — for hearing and ear of corn seem in some way to belong together, but in fact they are two quite distinct words etymologically. Ear for hearing [OE] is an ancient term that goes right back to the Indo European roots of the language. Its ancestor… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
ear — for hearing and ear of corn seem in some way to belong together, but in fact they are two quite distinct words etymologically. Ear for hearing [OE] is an ancient term that goes right back to the Indo European roots of the language. Its ancestor… … Word origins
ear — W2S2 [ıə US ır] n ↑ear, ↑nose, ↑tooth, ↑eye ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(part of your body)¦ 2¦(hearing)¦ 3¦(grain)¦ 4 smile/grin etc from ear to ear 5 6 a sympathetic ear 7 close/shut your ears to something … Dictionary of contemporary English
Corn smut — Huitlacoche Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Subkingdom … Wikipedia
corn on the cob — corn cooked and eaten on the cob * * * corn on the cob A cob of maize with grains still attached, cooked whole and eaten as a vegetable • • • Main Entry: ↑corn * * * corn on the cob UK US noun [countable/uncountable] [singular corn on the cob … Useful english dictionary
corn — S3 [ko:n US ko:rn] n [Sense: 1 2; Origin: Old English] [Sense: 3; Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: corne horn, corner ; CORNER1] 1.) [U] BrE plants such as wheat, ↑barley … Dictionary of contemporary English
corn silk — corn′ silk n. bot the long, threadlike, silky styles on an ear of corn … From formal English to slang
corn silk — ☆ corn silk n. the long, silky fibers that are the styles of an ear of corn: the longer fibers hang out of the husk in a tuft which catches pollen … English World dictionary
corn|cob — «KRN KOB», noun. 1. the central, woody part of an ear of corn, on which the kernels grow in rows; cob. 2. Also, corncob pipe. a tobacco pipe with a bowl hollowed out of a piece of dried corncob, often polished on the outside … Useful english dictionary
corn|husk — «KRN HUHSK», noun. the husk of coarse leaves enclosing an ear of corn … Useful english dictionary
corn silk — noun each of the long filamentous styles that grow as a silky tuft at the tip of an ear of Indian corn • Syn: ↑cornsilk • Hypernyms: ↑style * * * noun : the silky styles on an ear of Indian corn * * * the long, threadlike, silky styles on an ear… … Useful english dictionary