each and every
Смотреть что такое "each and every" в других словарях:
each and every — index collective, in solido Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
each and every — {adj. phr.} Every. Used for emphasis. * /The captain wants each and every man to be here at eight o clock./ * /The teacher must learn the name of each and every pupil./ Syn.: EVERY SINGLE … Dictionary of American idioms
each and every — {adj. phr.} Every. Used for emphasis. * /The captain wants each and every man to be here at eight o clock./ * /The teacher must learn the name of each and every pupil./ Syn.: EVERY SINGLE … Dictionary of American idioms
each and every — This is a redundant (wordy) phrase; when used, it requires a singular verb: Each and every one of you has his own reasons. Preferably, use each or every, not both … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
by and large each and every time — index always (without exception) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
for each and every day — index per diem Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
each — Synonyms and related words: all, all and some, all and sundry, any, apiece, aside, each and all, each and every, each one, each to each, every, every one, one and all, one by one, particular, per, per annum, per capita, respective, respectively,… … Moby Thesaurus
every single — or[every last] {adj. phr.} Every. Used for emphasis. * /She dropped the box, and when she opened it, every single glass was broken./ * /When she got home she found every last tomato in the box was rotten./ Syn.: EACH AND EVERY … Dictionary of American idioms
every single — or[every last] {adj. phr.} Every. Used for emphasis. * /She dropped the box, and when she opened it, every single glass was broken./ * /When she got home she found every last tomato in the box was rotten./ Syn.: EACH AND EVERY … Dictionary of American idioms
every — See: AT EVERY TURN, EACH AND EVERY … Dictionary of American idioms
every — See: AT EVERY TURN, EACH AND EVERY … Dictionary of American idioms