- dyspnoea
- dɪsˈpni:ə сущ.;
мед. одышка, затрудненное дыхание n мед. одышка, затрудненное дыхание dyspnoea мед. одышка, затрудненное дыхание
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Dyspnoea — Dysp*n[oe] a, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? short of breath; pref. dys ill, hard + ?, ?, breathing, ? to blow, breathe: cf. F. dyspn[ e]e.] (Med.) Difficulty of breathing. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dyspnoea — Difficult or labored breathing; shortness of breath. Dyspnoea is a sign of serious disease of the airway, lungs, or heart. The onset of dyspnoea should not be ignored but is reason to seek medical attention. The word dyspnoea comes the Greek dys … Medical dictionary
dyspnoea — n. laboured or difficult breathing. (The term is often used for a sign of laboured breathing apparent to the doctor, breathlessness being used for the subjective feeling of laboured breathing.) Dyspnoea can be due to obstruction to the flow of… … The new mediacal dictionary
dyspnoea — chiefly British variant of dyspnea … New Collegiate Dictionary
dyspnoea — n. labored breathing, shortness of breath (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
dyspnoea — [dɪsp ni:ə] (US dyspnea) noun Medicine laboured breathing. Derivatives dyspnoeic adjective Origin C17: via L. from Gk duspnoia, from dus difficult + pnoē breathing … English new terms dictionary
dyspnoea — n. [L.] (Med.) Difficulty of breathing … New dictionary of synonyms
dyspnoea — dysp·noea … English syllables
dyspnoea — /dɪspˈniə/ (say disp neeuh) noun difficult or laboured breathing (opposed to eupnoea). Also, Chiefly US, dyspnea. {Latin, from Greek dyspnoia difficulty of breathing} –dyspnoeal, dyspnoeic, adjective …
dyspnoea — n. difficult breathing … Dictionary of difficult words
dyspnoea — n. (US dyspnea) Med. difficult or laboured breathing. Derivatives: dyspnoeic adj. Etymology: L f. Gk duspnoia (as DYS , pneo breathe) … Useful english dictionary