
daɪˈnæmɪks сущ.;
1) как ед. а) динамика (раздел механики, изучающий движение тел под воздействием приложенных к ним сил) flight dynamicsдинамика полета fluid dynamicsдинамика жидкостей, гидродинамика gas dynamics ≈ газодинамика hydraulic gas dynamics ≈ гидрогазодинамика dynamics of rigid body ≈ динамика твердого тела Syn : dynamic Ant : statics
2) движущие силы динамика - * of solid bodies динамика твердых тел - * of explosion динамика взрыва - rock * динамические характеристики породы движущие силы control system ~ вчт. динамика системы управления dynamics pl движущие силы ~ динамика population ~ динамика населения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dynamics" в других словарях:

  • Dynamics — (from Greek δυναμικός dynamikos powerful , from δύναμις dynamis power ) may refer to: Contents 1 Physics and engineering 2 Sociology and psychology 3 Computer science and mathematics …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamics — Dy*nam ics, n. 1. That branch of mechanics which treats of the motion of bodies (Kinematics) and the action of forces in producing or changing their motion (kinetics). Dynamics is held by some recent writers to include statics and not kinematics …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dynamics — англ. [дайна/микс] Dynamik нем. [дина/мик] dynamique фр. [динами/к] динамика (сила звучания и ее изменения) …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • dynamics — as a branch of physics, 1789, from DYNAMIC (Cf. dynamic) (also see ICS (Cf. ics)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • dynamics — ► PLURAL NOUN 1) (treated as sing. ) the branch of mechanics concerned with the motion of bodies under the action of forces. 2) the forces which stimulate development or change within a system or process. 3) Music the varying levels of volume of… …   English terms dictionary

  • dynamics — [dī nam′iks] n. [with pl. v. for 2a & b] 1. the branch of mechanics dealing with the motions of material bodies under the action of given forces; kinetics 2. a) the various forces, physical, oral, economic, etc., operating in any field b) the way …   English World dictionary

  • Dynamics AX — Microsoft Dynamics AX Entwickler: Microsoft Corporation Aktuelle Version: Dynamics AX 2009 Betriebssystem: Windows Kategorie …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Dynamics AX — Microsoft Dynamics AX Pour les articles homonymes, voir AX. Microsoft Dynamics AX (anciennement Microsoft Axapta) est un ERP adaptable qui permet de gérer une entreprise. Il est le pilier central de Microsoft Entreprise Ressource Planning… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • dynamics — /duy nam iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) Physics. the branch of mechanics that deals with the motion and equilibrium of systems under the action of forces, usually from outside the system. 2. (used with a pl. v.) the motivating or driving… …   Universalium

  • dynamics — 1. The science of motion in response to forces. 2. In psychiatry, used as a contraction of psychodynamics. 3. In the behavioral sciences, any of the numerous intrapersonal and interpersonal influences or phenomena associated with personality …   Medical dictionary

  • dynamics — Mechanics Me*chan ics, n. [Cf. F. m[ e]canique.] That science, or branch of applied mathematics, which treats of the action of forces on bodies. [1913 Webster] Note: That part of mechanics which considers the action of forces in producing rest or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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