dynamic typing

dynamic typing
динамический контроль типов (во время выполнения) Ant : static typing

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dynamic typing" в других словарях:

  • Dynamic typing — Dynamische Typisierung ist die Zuteilung des Typs einer Variablen zur Laufzeit eines Programms. Im Gegensatz zur statischen Typisierung verzichtet man auf eine explizite Typisierung; der Typ einer Variablen ergibt sich aus dem Typ des Werts, der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • dynamic typing — noun A system in which type checking is performed at run time and not at compilation, opposed to static typing …   Wiktionary

  • Dynamic programming language — This article is about a class of programming languages, for the method for reducing the runtime of algorithms, see Dynamic programming. Dynamic programming language is a term used broadly in computer science to describe a class of high level… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic SSL — is an endpoint security technology developed by Daniel McCann and Nima Sharifimehr of NetSecure Technologies Ltd. Dynamic SSL was created to solve the endpoint security problem in public networks by transparently correcting the implementation… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic logic (modal logic) — For the subject in digital electronics also known as clocked logic, see dynamic logic (digital electronics). Dynamic logic is an extension of modal logic originally intended for reasoning about computer programs and later applied to more general… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic dispatch — Theories and practice of polymorphism Double dispatch Multiple dispatch Operator overloading Polymorphism in computer science Polymorphism in OOP Subtyping Vir …   Wikipedia

  • Duck typing — Type systems Type safety Inferred vs. Manifest Dynamic vs. Static Strong vs. Weak Nominal vs. Structural Dependent typing Duck typing Latent typing Linear typing Uniqueness typing …   Wikipedia

  • Manifest typing — Type systems Type safety Inferred vs. Manifest Dynamic vs. Static Strong vs. Weak Nominal vs. Structural Dependent typing Duck typing Latent typing Linear typing Uniqueness typing …   Wikipedia

  • Latent typing — In computer programming, latent typing (as opposed to eager typing or manifest typing) is a style of typing that does not require (or perhaps even offer) explicit type declarations. Latent typing is heavily associated with duck typing and dynamic …   Wikipedia

  • Strong typing — Starke Typisierung (engl. strong typing, daher oft auch strenge Typisierung) bezeichnet ein Schema der Typisierung von Programmiersprachen. Bei der starken Typisierung bleibt eine einmal durchgeführte Bindung zwischen Variable und Datentyp… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • duck typing — noun A style of dynamic typing in which an objects current set of methods and properties determines the valid semantics, rather than its inheritance from a particular class or implementation of a specific interface …   Wiktionary

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