- dynamic personality
- динамичная личность, динамичная натура, динамичный характер
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
personality — per‧son‧al‧i‧ty [ˌpɜːsəˈnælti ǁ ˌpɜːr ] noun personalities PLURALFORM 1. [countable] LAW an organization that from a legal point of view is separate from the people who own it or manage it: • A company has a separate legal personality, and its… … Financial and business terms
personality — per|son|al|i|ty W3S3 [ˌpə:səˈnælıti US ˌpə:r ] n plural personalities 1.) [U and C] someone s character, especially the way they behave towards other people ▪ He was an ambitious man with a strong personality . ▪ Despite their different… … Dictionary of contemporary English
personality — noun 1 (C, U) someone s character, especially the way they behave towards other people: Iain has a very dynamic personality. | Childhood experiences have a strong influence on forming personality. | personality clash (=when two people find it… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
dynamic — I. adjective Etymology: French dynamique, from Greek dynamikos powerful, from dynamis power, from dynasthai to be able Date: 1827 1. (also dynamical) a. of or relating to physical force or energy b. of or relating to dynamics 2. a … New Collegiate Dictionary
dynamic — dy·nam·ic dī nam ik adj 1) also dy·nam·i·cal i kəl a) of or relating to physical force or energy b) of or relating to dynamics 2) FUNCTIONAL (1b) <a dynamic disease> 3 a) marked by continuous usu. productive activity or change <a dynamic … Medical dictionary
dynamic — /daɪˈnæmɪk / (say duy namik) adjective 1. Physics of or relating to force not in equilibrium (opposed to static). 2. relating to dynamics. 3. relating to or characterised by energy or effective action; active; forceful. 4. full of energy and… …
Personality psychology — studies personality based on theories of individual differences. One emphasis in this area is to construct a coherent picture of a person and his or her major psychological processes (Bradberry, 2007). Another emphasis views personality as the… … Wikipedia
Personality style — has been defined as an individual s relatively consistent inclinations and preferences across contexts. Eriksen, Karen Kress, Victoria E. (2005). A Developmental, Constructivist Model for Ethical Assessment (Which Includes Diagnosis, of Course).… … Wikipedia
personality — n. noted person 1) a celebrated personality behavioral characteristics 2) a charismatic, charming; dynamic, forceful, magnetic, striking, strong personality 3) a dual, split; multiple personality misc. 4) to indulge in personalities ( to make… … Combinatory dictionary
personality — One of several concepts used by social scientists to refer to the individual (others include self and identity ). The concept has its origins in the Latin word persona (meaning ‘mask’), and refers to the set of more or less stable characteristics … Dictionary of sociology
personality — noun 1 character ADJECTIVE ▪ bright, bubbly, extrovert (esp. BrE), jovial, lively, outgoing, sparkling, vibrant, vivacious ▪ … Collocations dictionary