dyed-in-the-wool — {adj. phr.} Thoroughly committed; inveterate; unchanging. * /He is a died in the wool Conservative Republican./ … Dictionary of American idioms
dyed-in-the-wool — {adj. phr.} Thoroughly committed; inveterate; unchanging. * /He is a died in the wool Conservative Republican./ … Dictionary of American idioms
dyed-in-the-wool — adj. 1. thoroughly imbued; thoroughgoing; uncompromising; complete; unmitigated; through and through. [PJC] 2. dyed before being spun or woven into cloth. Syn: yarn dyed. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dyed-in-the-wool — dyed′ in the wool′ adj. 1) through and through; complete: a dyed in the wool feminist[/ex] 2) tex dyed before weaving • Etymology: 1570–80 … From formal English to slang
dyed-in-the-wool — adj having strong beliefs, likes, or opinions that will never change ▪ Even dyed in the wool traditionalists were impressed by the changes … Dictionary of contemporary English
dyed-in-the-wool — [ ,daıd ın ðə wul ] adjective unwilling to change your opinions or beliefs because you are certain they are correct: dyed in the wool conservatives … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
dyed-in-the-wool — If someone is a dyed in the wool supporter of a political party, etc, they support them totally, without any questions … The small dictionary of idiomes
dyed-in-the-wool — [dīd΄in thə wool′] adj. 1. dyed before being woven ☆ 2. thoroughgoing; unchanging … English World dictionary
dyed in the wool — ► dyed in the wool unchanging in a particular belief. [ORIGIN: with allusion to the fact that yarn was dyed when raw, producing a more even and permanent colour.] Main Entry: ↑dye … English terms dictionary
dyed-in-the-wool — [adj] through and through absolute, complete, deep down, deeply ingrained, deep rooted, die hard, entrenched, fixed, genuine, hardened, long standing, to the core*, unchangeable, uncompromising; concept 554 … New thesaurus
dyed-in-the-wool — adj entrenched, inveterate, deep rooted, diehard, established, long standing, settled, fixed, hard core, hardened, inflexible, unchangeable, uncompromising, unshak(e)able, through and through, thorough, confirmed, complete, card carrying ≠… … Useful english dictionary