- duty-paid
- ˈdju:tɪpeɪd прил. оплаченный пошлиной оплаченный пошлиной duty-paid оплаченный пошлиной
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
duty-paid — UK US adjective ► TAX, COMMERCE duty paid goods are goods on which tax is paid: »British duty paid cigarettes will carry a tax mark to make identification of smuggled tobacco easier. »Duty paid beer is still cheaper on the French side of the… … Financial and business terms
duty paid — ˌduty ˈpaid adjective TAX if goods are duty paid, duty has already been paid on them: • boats imported into the UK on a duty paid basis … Financial and business terms
duty-paid — duˈty paidˈ adjective On which duty has been paid • • • Main Entry: ↑duty … Useful english dictionary
duty paid — tax paid … English contemporary dictionary
duty-paid — adjective on which the duty has been met … English new terms dictionary
duty-paid goods — /ˌdju:ti peɪd gυdz/ plural noun goods where the duty has been paid … Marketing dictionary in english
duty-paid goods — /ˌdju:ti peɪd gυdz/ plural noun goods where the duty has been paid … Dictionary of banking and finance
duty paid terminal — An oils terminal where all of the oils in storage have borne excise duty. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary … Financial and business terms
duty paid value — In respect to imported goods, is the aggregate value for duty on imported goods … Dictionary of automotive terms
Delivered Duty Paid — ( DDP) Seller must supply the goods at his or her own risk and expense to a named place in the country of importation. The seller is responsible for importation, payment of duty, and on carriage to the location agreed upon with the buyer.… … Financial and business terms
Delivered Duty Paid — (DDP) is an Incoterm. It means that the seller pays for all transportation costs and bears all risk until the goods have been delivered and pays the duty. The most important thing for a seller to understand is that they must be able to carry out… … Wikipedia