dutiable price
Смотреть что такое "dutiable price" в других словарях:
Price — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Price >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 price price amount cost expense prime cost charge figure Sgm: N 1 demand demand damage Sgm: N 1 fare fare hire … English dictionary for students
price — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Something demanded in exchange Nouns 1. price, amount, cost, expense, prime cost, charge, figure, demand; fare, hire, bill, tab, rental; overhead, carrying charge or cost; rent charge, rackrent,… … English dictionary for students
Tariff — For other uses, see Tariff (disambiguation). Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia
Fordney–McCumber Tariff — The Fordney–McCumber Tariff of 1922 raised American tariffs in order to protect factories and farms. Congress displayed a pro business attitude in passing the ad valorem tariff and in promoting foreign trade through providing huge loans to Europe … Wikipedia
Tariff of 1842 — The Tariff of 1842, or Black Tariff as it became known, was a protectionist tariff schedule adopted in the United States to reverse the effects of the Compromise Tariff of 1833. The Compromise Tariff contained a provision that successively… … Wikipedia
History of the English fiscal system — The history of the English fiscal system affords the best known example of continuous financial development in terms of both institutions and methods. Although periods of great upheaval occurred from the time of the Norman Conquest to the… … Wikipedia
Tariff of 1833 — Speaker of the House Henry Clay Vice … Wikipedia
Great Depression — This article is about the severe worldwide economic downturn in the 1930s. For other uses, see The Great Depression (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
assess — Synonyms and related words: account, appraise, appreciate, ask, assay, calculate, calibrate, caliper, call, catalog, categorize, charge, charge for, check a parameter, class, classify, compute, consider, deem, demand, dial, divide, estimate,… … Moby Thesaurus
charge — Synonyms and related words: accountability, accounting for, accounts payable, accounts receivable, accredit, accusal, accusation, accuse, accusing, achievement, action, activate, adjure, administration, admission, admission fee, admonish,… … Moby Thesaurus
Т — Таблица капитализации (capitalization table) Такса ( local price) Таксономия [taxonomie] Таможенная декларация (Customs declaration) Таможенная очист … Экономико-математический словарь