dust particle
Смотреть что такое "dust particle" в других словарях:
dust particle — dulkių dalelė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. dust particle; speck of dust vok. Staubpartikel, f; Staubteilchen, n; Stäubchen, n rus. пылинка, f; частица пыли, f pranc. grain de poussière, m; particule de poussière, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
interplanetary dust particle — ▪ astronomy also called micrometeoroid, micrometeorite , or cosmic dust particle a small grain, generally less than a few hundred micrometres in size and composed of silicate minerals and glassy nodules but sometimes including sulfides,… … Universalium
particle — [pärt′i kəl] n. [ME partycle < MFr particule < L particula, dim. of pars,PART1] 1. a) an extremely small piece; tiny fragment [a dust particle] b) the slightest trace; speck [not a particle of truth] 2 … English World dictionary
Dust collector — Two rooftop dust collectors in Pristina, Kosovo A dust collector is a system used to enhance the quality of air released from industrial and commercial processes by collecting dust and other impurities from air or gas. Designed to handle heavy… … Wikipedia
Dust reduction system — mergeto: see below A dust spot caused by a dust particle on the image sensor A dust reduction system, or dust removal system, is a technology employed by several manufacturers of digital system cameras (often referred to … Wikipedia
dust — Ehu lepo, kuehu, ehu, ehu, uahi, lelehuna, lepo ae ae. ♦ Dust of morning, ehu kakahiaka. ♦ Dust of evening, ehu ahiahi. ♦ Dust streamer, kōwelo e a. ♦ Dust particle, huna lepo. ♦ Dust cloud, e a. ♦ Dust column or cloud, pi… … English-Hawaiian dictionary
Dust (His Dark Materials) — Dust in Philip Pullman s trilogy of novels His Dark Materials is a mysterious cosmic particle that is integral to the plot. In Northern Lights, Lord Asriel reveals the origins of the term Dust to be from a passage from the slightly alternate… … Wikipedia
Dust (tea) — Dust tea is a low quality grade of fine grained black tea. Traditionally these were treated as the rejects of the manufacturing process in making high quality leaf tea like the Orange Pekoe. When leaves break or get crushed during the… … Wikipedia
Dust — (d[u^]st), n. [AS. dust; cf. LG. dust, D. duist meal dust, OD. doest, donst, and G. dunst vapor, OHG. tunist, dunist, a blowing, wind, Icel. dust dust, Dan. dyst mill dust; perh. akin to L. fumus smoke, E. fume. [root]71.] 1. Fine, dry particles… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dust brand — Dust Dust (d[u^]st), n. [AS. dust; cf. LG. dust, D. duist meal dust, OD. doest, donst, and G. dunst vapor, OHG. tunist, dunist, a blowing, wind, Icel. dust dust, Dan. dyst mill dust; perh. akin to L. fumus smoke, E. fume. [root]71.] 1. Fine, dry… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
particle — 1 Particle, bit, mite, smidgen, whit, atom, iota, jot, tittle all mean a very small or insignificant piece or part. Particle is used in reference not only to substances which are actually divisible but to such things as a quality, a state, or a… … New Dictionary of Synonyms