Смотреть что такое "durra" в других словарях:
Durra — ( Sorghum bicolor ) is a cereal grass which is extensively cultivated in tropical and semi tropical countries, where the grain, made into bread, forms an important article of diet.In non Arabic speaking countries it is known by other names, such… … Wikipedia
Durra — er en kornsort. Durra er en af de mest dyrkede kornsorter i Afrika … Danske encyklopædi
Durra — Dur ra, n. [Ar. dhorra.] (Bot.) A kind of millet, cultivated throughout Asia, and introduced into the south of Europe; a variety of {Sorghum vulgare}; called also {Indian millet}, and {Guinea corn}. [Written also {dhoorra}, {dhurra}, {doura}, etc … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Durra [1] — Durra (Sorghum Pers.), Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Gräser, 23. Kl. 1. Ordn. L.; Arten: Sorghum vulgare (Sorghogras, Sorghohoniggras, Sorghorostgras, Moorhirse), mit mehr als mannshohem, fingersdickem Stängel, gedrängter, ovaler,… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Durra [2] — Durra, rechter Zufluß des Abaï in Abessinien (Afrika), entspringt in den Bergen von Godscham … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
durra — [door′ə] n. a variety of grain producing sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) widely grown in Asia and Africa … English World dictionary
durra — dvispalvis sorgas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Miglinių šeimos grūdinis, pašarinis, pluoštinis, prieskoninis, vaistinis kultūrinis nuodingas augalas (Sorghum bicolor), auginamas atogrąžose ir paatogrąžiuose, naudojamas maisto priedams… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Durra — Dụr|ra 〈f.; Gen.: ; Pl.: unz.; Bot.〉 in Afrika u. Indien angebaute Hirse, Mohrenhirse: Sorghum durra [Etym.: <arab. dhura] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
durra — ż IV, CMs. durrze; lm D. durr bot. «Sorgum durra, roślina zbożowa uprawiana głównie na mąkę w Afryce, Indiach, Afganistanie i Japonii; sorgo murzyńskie» ‹ar.› … Słownik języka polskiego
durra — [ dʊrə, dʊərə] noun sorghum of the principal variety grown from NE Africa to India. Origin C18: from Arab. ḍura, ḍurra … English new terms dictionary
durra — n. (also dura, dhurra) a kind of sorghum, Sorghum vulgare, native to Asia, Africa, and the US. Etymology: Arab. dura, durra … Useful english dictionary