Смотреть что такое "duorail" в других словарях:
People mover — For the private automobile, see People carrier A people mover or automated people mover (APM) is a fully automated, grade separated mass transit system. The term is generally used only to describe systems serving relatively small areas such as… … Wikipedia
Monorail history — The term monorail or industrial monorail is used to describe any number of transport systems in which a chair or carrier is suspended from, or rides on, an overhead rail structure. Unlike the well known duo rail system, there are many rail guided … Wikipedia
Indiana University Health People Mover — Info Locale Indianapolis, IN, US. Transit type … Wikipedia
du|o|rail — «DOO uh RAYL, DYOO », noun. the conventional railroad consisting of two rails, as distinguished from the monorail: »On grounds of cost, comfort, and convenience, the duorail was the most practical of all systems studied (Ernest Davies) … Useful english dictionary