- duodecimal system
- двенадцатиричная система (счисления) мат. двенадцатеричная система (счисления)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
duodecimal system — noun a positional system of numeration that uses duodecimal digits and a radix of twelve • Syn: ↑duodecimal number system • Hypernyms: ↑positional notation, ↑positional representation system * * * duodecimal system noun 1. A system of numbers in… … Useful english dictionary
Duodecimal system — See either: duodecimal for a base 12 number system, or Dewey Decimal Classification for a misspelling of the popular library code This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link le … Wikipedia
Duodecimal — For the similar sounding classification system, see Dewey Decimal Classification. Numeral systems by culture Hindu Arabic numerals Western Arabic (Hindu numerals) Eastern Arabic Indian family Tamil Burmese Khmer Lao Mongolian Thai East Asian… … Wikipedia
duodecimal number system — noun a positional system of numeration that uses duodecimal digits and a radix of twelve • Syn: ↑duodecimal system • Hypernyms: ↑positional notation, ↑positional representation system … Useful english dictionary
duodecimal — adj. & n. adj. relating to or using a system of numerical notation that has 12 as a base. n. 1 the duodecimal system. 2 duodecimal notation. Derivatives: duodecimally adv. Etymology: L duodecimus twelfth f. duodecim twelve … Useful english dictionary
duodecimal — adjective technical a duodecimal system of numbers is based on the number 12, instead of the usual system based on ten … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
duodecimal — a. pertaining to twelve or twelfths; in groups of twelve. ♦ duodecimal system, arithmetical system similar to decimal but based on scale of twelve and twelfths. ♦ duodecimo, n. size of books, about 5 1/ 4 in. by 8 1/ 8 in. (abbr. 12mo.) … Dictionary of difficult words
Duodecimal — Du o*dec i*mal, n. 1. A twelfth part; as, the duodecimals of an inch. [1913 Webster] 2. pl. (Arch.) A system of numbers, whose denominations rise in a scale of twelves, as of feet and inches. The system is used chiefly by artificers in computing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
duodecimal — [do͞o΄ō des′ə məl, dyo͞o΄ō des′ə məl] adj. [< L duodecim, twelve (< duo, TWO + decem, TEN) + AL] 1. relating to twelve or twelfths 2. consisting of or counting by twelves or powers of twelve n. 1. one twelfth … English World dictionary
duodecimal — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to a system of counting or numerical notation that has twelve as a base. ORIGIN Latin duodecimus twelfth … English terms dictionary
Duodecimal unit — Unit U nit, n. [Abbrev. from unity.] 1. A single thing or person. [1913 Webster] 2. (Arith.) The least whole number; one. [1913 Webster] Units are the integral parts of any large number. I. Watts. [1913 Webster] 3. A gold coin of the reign of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English