Смотреть что такое "dungarees" в других словарях:
dungarees — trousers made of DUNGAREE (Cf. dungaree), 1868 … Etymology dictionary
dungarees — [n] blue jeans denims, jeans, pants, trousers; concept 451 … New thesaurus
dungarees — [[t]dʌ̱ŋgəri͟ːz[/t]] N PLURAL: also a pair of N Dungarees are a one piece garment consisting of trousers, a piece of cloth which covers your chest, and straps which go over your shoulders. In American English, dungarees can also refer to jeans … English dictionary
dungarees — Synonyms and related words: Bermuda shorts, Capri pants, bags, bells, bloomers, blue jeans, breeks, buckskins, chivarras, clam diggers, cords, corduroys, culottes, denims, drawers, flannels, hot pants, jeans, jodhpurs, knee breeches,… … Moby Thesaurus
dungarees — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. pl. jeans, overalls, Levi s, chinos. See clothing. II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. pants, trousers, jeans, overalls, denims … English dictionary for students
dungarees — dun|ga|rees [ˌdʌŋgəˈri:z] n [plural] [Date: 1600 1700; : Hindi; Origin: dugri heavy cotton cloth ] 1.) BrE loose trousers that have a square piece of cloth that covers your chest, and long thin pieces that fasten over your shoulders American… … Dictionary of contemporary English
dungarees — dun|ga|rees [ ,dʌŋgə riz ] noun plural 1. ) AMERICAN OLD FASHIONED pants made of strong cloth, usually blue DENIM 2. ) BRITISH OVERALLS … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
dungarees — n. blue denim working overalls; pants made from coarse durable material (generally blue denim); blue jeans dun·ga·ree || ‚dʌŋgÉ™ riË n. type of course fabric; overalls (British) … English contemporary dictionary
dungarees — (dung gah REEZ) [Hindi] Trousers or work clothing made of blue denim. In the singular (dungaree), a coarse Indian calico … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
dungarees — chiefly Brit. trousers with a bib held up by straps over the shoulders, made of denim or a similar material. → dungaree … English new terms dictionary
dungarees — noun (plural) 1 BrE loose trousers that have a square piece of cloth that covers your chest, and long thin pieces that fasten over your shoulders; overall 3 (2) AmE 2 AmE heavy cotton trousers used for working in … Longman dictionary of contemporary English