Смотреть что такое "dung-cart" в других словарях:
dung-cart — dungˈ cart noun • • • Main Entry: ↑dung … Useful english dictionary
Sprung cart — thumb|250px|Spring cart typical of those used by Australian farmersA sprung cart was a light, one horse (or more usually pony), two wheeled vehicle with road springs, for the carriage of passengers on informal occasions. Its name varied according … Wikipedia
Un-sprung cart — The un sprung cart was a simple, sturdy, one horse, two wheeled vehicle used by roadmen, farmers and the like for small loads of relatively dense material like road metal or dung. In Australia and New Zealand, it is frequently called a dray.… … Wikipedia
tumbrel — /ˈtʌmbrəl / (say tumbruhl) noun 1. one of the carts used during the French Revolution to convey victims to the guillotine. 2. a cart constructed so that the body tilts backwards to empty the load, especially a dung cart. 3. Obsolete a two wheeled …
Lancelot — For other uses, see Lancelot (disambiguation) and Sir Lancelot (disambiguation). Lancelot du Lac redirects here. For the 1974 film, see Lancelot du Lac (film). Sir Lancelot, standing in armor with a cape and with visor up, leaning on his sword… … Wikipedia
List of books about King Arthur — This is a list of books about King Arthur, or his related world, family, friends or enemies.9th century* Historia Britonum attributed to Nennius10th century* Annales Cambriae Anonymous * Preiddeu Annwfn attributed to Taliesin11th… … Wikipedia
bin — (n.) receptacle, O.E. binne basket, manger, crib, probably from Gaulish, from O.Celt. *benna, akin to Welsh benn a cart, especially one with a woven wicker body. The same Celtic word seems to be preserved in It. benna dung cart, Fr. benne grape… … Etymology dictionary
tumbrel — n. 1. Dung cart, muck cart, rough cart. 2. Trebuchet, castigatory, ducking stool, cucking stool … New dictionary of synonyms
Pottum fimare — The dung cart, a necessity in every town and *burh. [< Lat. pottum = pot + fimare = dung, clay] … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Preacher (comics) — Supercbbox| title = Preacher comic color = background:#8080ff caption = The cast of Preacher . Cover to Preacher #56. Art by Glenn Fabry. schedule = Monthly format = Finite ongoing series publisher = Vertigo imprint of DC Comics date = 1995–2000… … Wikipedia
Morgause — /mɔrˈɡeɪz/, known in earlier works as Gwyar or Anna, is the sister or half sister of King Arthur in the Arthurian legend. In her earliest appearance she is Arthur s full sister by Uther Pendragon and Igraine; Gwyar is her name and she is the… … Wikipedia