dumping place
Смотреть что такое "dumping place" в других словарях:
Dumping Social — L expression récente « dumping social », péjorative, est employée pour désigner la concurrence entre les travailleurs, qui se serait exacerbée du fait de la mondialisation économique. Le taux de chômage élevé en France et dans certains… … Wikipédia en Français
dumping ground — dumping .ground n 1.) a place where people get rid of waste material dumping ground for ▪ Rivers have always been a dumping ground for man s unwanted waste. 2.) a place where people are sent when no one knows how to deal with them dumping ground… … Dictionary of contemporary English
dumping ground — UK US noun [C, usually singular] ► ENVIRONMENT a place where waste is thrown away, usually in a way that is illegal or not suitable: »The river became a dumping ground for sewage. »We can t treat our oceans like a dumping ground. ► a place or an… … Financial and business terms
dumping ground — dumping grounds N COUNT: usu N for n, supp N (disapproval) If you say that a place is a dumping ground for something, usually something unwanted, you mean that people leave or send large quantities of that thing there. Eastern Europe is rapidly… … English dictionary
Dumping (pricing policy) — This article is about the economics term. For industrial relations and social justice issue, see Social dumping. For the tax avoidance term, see SUTA dumping. In economics, dumping is any kind of predatory pricing, especially in the context of… … Wikipedia
Dumping social — L expression récente « dumping social », péjorative, est employée pour désigner la concurrence entre les travailleurs, qui se serait exacerbée du fait de la mondialisation économique. Le taux de chômage élevé en France et dans certains… … Wikipédia en Français
Dumping — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le terme de dumping (de l anglais to dump : « entasser, déblayer ») dénonce des pratiques commerciales contraires à l esprit de concurrence … Wikipédia en Français
dumping — Used in the context of general equities. offering large amounts of stock with little or no concern for price or market effect. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * dump dump [dʌmp] verb [transitive] 1. to put waste in a particular place,… … Financial and business terms
dumping ground — noun : a place to which unwanted people or things are sent special education classes … have too often become the dumping ground for those students whom teachers find merely troublesome Jane Perlez * * * noun, pl ⋯ grounds [count] : a place where… … Useful english dictionary
dumping ground — UK [ˈdʌmpɪŋ ˌɡraʊnd] / US noun [countable] Word forms dumping ground : singular dumping ground plural dumping grounds 1) a place where large amounts of waste are taken and left 2) a place used for getting rid of things or people that are no… … English dictionary
dumping ground — /ˈdʌmpɪŋ graʊnd/ (say dumping grownd) noun 1. an area of land designated for the dumping of rubbish. 2. a place where unwanted people, projects, etc., can be manoeuvred so as not to get in the way of others: Australia as a dumping ground for the… …