dump tank
Смотреть что такое "dump tank" в других словарях:
dump — Synonyms and related words: Augean stables, Parthian shot, abandon, abase, abasement, abash, abjure, abundance, accumulation, affront, amassment, ammo dump, archives, armory, arsenal, artillery park, aspersion, atomic arsenal, atrocity, attic,… … Moby Thesaurus
tank — Synonyms and related words: Pullman, Pullman car, archives, armory, arsenal, artificial lake, attic, bag, baggage car, bank, barrel, basement, basket, bay, bayou lake, bin, bonded warehouse, bookcase, bottle, box, box up, boxcar, bunker, buttery … Moby Thesaurus
dump valve — i. The valve that allows the fuel in a tank to be dumped in flight quickly for emergency or operational reasons but mainly to bring the aircraft’s weight to the maximum landing weight. ii. An automatic valve that rapidly drains the fuel manifold… … Aviation dictionary
dump valve — noun : a large emergency valve at the bottom of a container (as an airplane fuel tank) by which it may be emptied much more quickly than by the ordinary drain cock (as in emergency jettisoning of fuel) … Useful english dictionary
Holding tank dump station — A typical area for motorhome in Felletin, France … Wikipedia
2006 Côte d'Ivoire toxic waste dump — A truck full of garbage on the streets of Abidjan. Much of Trafigura s toxic waste was dumped in large open areas in the poor suburbs of the city The 2006 Côte d Ivoire toxic waste dump was a health crisis in Côte d Ivoire in which a ship… … Wikipedia
Holding tank — A holding tank, also called a waste water holding tank or black (water) tank, is a container for storing sewage in vehicles equipped with toilets. Vehicles that employ holding tanks include recreational vehicles (RVs), trucks (U.S. usage) or… … Wikipedia
garbage dump — Synonyms and related words: bog, cesspool, cloaca, cloaca maxima, colluvies, compost heap, drain, dump, dunghill, kitchen midden, manure pile, marsh, midden, mire, mixen, quagmire, refuse heap, septic tank, sewer, sink, sump, swamp … Moby Thesaurus
Shock tube — A shock tube is a device used primarily to study gas phase combustion reactions. Shock tubes (and related shock tunnels) can also be used to study aerodynamic flow under a wide range of temperatures and pressures that are difficult to obtain in… … Wikipedia
Ice resurfacer — An ice resurfacer is a truck like vehicle used to clean and smooth the surface of an ice rink, originally developed by Frank J. Zamboni in 1949 in the city of Paramount, California. Frank J. Zamboni Co, Inc. and other companies manufacture ice… … Wikipedia
Ludwieg tube — A Ludwieg tube is a cheap and efficient way of producing supersonic flow. Mach numbers up to 4 are easily obtained without any additional heating of the flow, with heating Mach numbers of up to 11 can be reached.PrincipleA Ludwieg tube is a wind… … Wikipedia