Смотреть что такое "dummy-head" в других словарях:
Dummy head — In agriculture, on a combine harvester machine, a dummy head or pick up header features spring tined pickups, usually attached to a heavy rubber belt. They are used for crops that have already been cut and placed in windrows or swaths. This is… … Wikipedia
Dummy head recording — Dummy head being used for binaural recording; the second microphone is obscured. In acoustics, dummy head recording (also known as artificial head or Kunstkopf) is a method used to make binaural recordings, that allow a listener wearing… … Wikipedia
Dummy-Head-Stereophonie — Dum|my Head Ste|re|o|pho|nie, auch ...fonie [... hɛd...] die; <zu engl. head »Kopf«> Kunstkopfstereophonie, bei der zur Erzielung naturgetreuer Wiedergabe hochwertige Mikrofone innerhalb eines nachgebildeten menschlichen Kopfes verwendet… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
dummy head — … Useful english dictionary
Head-related transfer function — The head related transfer function HRTF , also called the anatomical transfer function ATF , describes how a given sound wave input (parameterized as frequency and source location) is filtered by the diffraction and reflection properties of the… … Wikipedia
Dummy Taylor — Luther Dummy Taylor Pitcher Born: February 21, 1875(1875 02 21) Oskaloosa, Kansas, United States … Wikipedia
Head impact criterion — The Head Injury Criterion (HIC) is a measure of the likelihood of head injury arising from an impact. Normally the variable is derived from the acceleration/time history of an accelerometer mounted at the centre of gravity of a dummy’s head, when … Wikipedia
dummy — The word ‘dumb’ is used far more often by American speakers than British to mean silly, stupid. ‘Dummy’ is likewise an Americanism for a person thought to be silly. It can be used banteringly as well as seriously. In Rabbit is Rich, by John… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
Head Injury Criterion — Das Head Injury Criterion (kurz: HIC, in deutscher Literatur manchmal auch: HIC Wert, Kopf Verletzungs Faktor oder Kopfbelastungswert) ist ein Kriterium zur Bewertung von beschleunigungsbedingten Kopfverletzungen z.B. durch einen Fahrzeugunfall.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
dummy — Synonyms and related words: Boeotian, Charlie McCarthy, Intertype, Linotype, Monotype, a nobody, a nothing, ace, adherent, advocate, affected, agent, alter ego, alternate, alternative, amicus curiae, analogy, ancilla, apocryphal, appliance,… … Moby Thesaurus
dummy — A hammer with a rounded head, usually of iron, for striking stone carving tools. Also see greeking, mannequin, model, and placeholder … Glossary of Art Terms