
гл. сокращать штат предприятия до такого числа сотрудников, что этого количества людей уже не хватает для эффективной работы (часто встречается вместе с downsize;
от dumb "тупой, дурак")

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dumbsize" в других словарях:

  • dumbsize — dumb‧size [ˈdʌmsaɪz] verb [transitive] JOURNALISM to reduce the number of people working for a company to a level where it is no longer possible to do the work effectively or well compare downsize * * * dumbsize UK US (also dumb size) /ˈdʌmsaɪz/… …   Financial and business terms

  • dumbsize — verb To reduce the number of employees in a business without regard to organizational efficiency such that its operations become unprofitable or inefficient …   Wiktionary

  • dumbsize — …   Useful english dictionary

  • dumbsizing — dumbsize UK US (also dumb size) /ˈdʌmsaɪz/ verb [T] INFORMAL HR, MANAGEMENT ► to reduce the number of people working in an organization so much that it can no longer operate effectively: »The company has been dumbsized, and left with some of the… …   Financial and business terms

  • dumbsizing — (DUM.sy.zing) pp. Reducing the size of a company s workforce to such an extent that the company becomes unprofitable or inefficient. Also: dumb size. dumbsize v. dumbsizer n. Example Citation: Granted, companies became lean and nimble, but… …   New words

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