dull weather
Смотреть что такое "dull weather" в других словарях:
dull weather — n. bad weather … English contemporary dictionary
dull — [dul] adj. [ME dul < OE dol, stupid, akin to Ger toll < IE * dh(e)wel < base * dheu , blow, be turbid > DUMB, DWELL, OIr dall, blind, Gr thanatos, death] 1. mentally slow; stupid 2. lacking sensitivity; blunted in feeling or… … English World dictionary
dull — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English dul; akin to Old English dol foolish, Old Irish dall blind Date: 13th century 1. mentally slow ; stupid 2. a. slow in perception or sensibility ; insensible < somewhat dull of h … New Collegiate Dictionary
Dull Knife Fight — Part of the Great Sioux War of 1876 Date November 25, 1876 Location Wyoming Territory … Wikipedia
dull — ► ADJECTIVE 1) lacking interest or excitement. 2) lacking brightness or sheen. 3) (of the weather) overcast. 4) slow to understand; rather unintelligent. 5) indistinctly felt or heard. ► VERB ▪ make or become dull … English terms dictionary
dull — dull1 S3 [dʌl] adj comparative duller superlative dullest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(boring)¦ 2¦(colour/light)¦ 3¦(weather)¦ 4¦(pain)¦ 5¦(sound)¦ 6¦(knife/blade)¦ 7¦(not intelligent)¦ 8¦(trade)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
dull — dull1 [ dʌl ] adjective ** ▸ 1 boring ▸ 2 not bright/shiny ▸ 3 not able to react ▸ 4 weak and continuous ▸ 5 low and not clear ▸ 6 not intelligent ▸ 7 not sharp ▸ 8 not busy ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) boring or not interesting: a dull lecture Life in a… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
dull — [[t]dʌ̱l[/t]] duller, dullest, dulls, dulling, dulled 1) ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe someone or something as dull, you mean they are not interesting or exciting. They are both nice people but can be rather dull... I felt she found me … English dictionary
dull — I UK [dʌl] / US adjective Word forms dull : adjective dull comparative duller superlative dullest ** 1) boring, or not interesting Life in a small village can be very dull. a dull lecture 2) a) not bright or shiny hair that looks dull and… … English dictionary
dull — 1 adjective 1 BORING not interesting or exciting: Bill s friends are a pretty dull bunch. | the dull routine of the office | as dull as ditchwater BrE informal (=very boring) 2 never a dull moment often humorous used to say that a lot of… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
weather — weath|er1 W2S1 [ˈweðə US ər] n [: Old English; Origin: weder] 1.) [singular, U] the temperature and other conditions such as sun, rain, and wind ▪ What s the weather like today? ▪ a period of unusually hot weather ▪ The weather turned bitterly… … Dictionary of contemporary English