dull sound

dull sound
глухой звук

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dull sound" в других словарях:

  • dull´ness — dull «duhl», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. not sharp or pointed; blunt: »It is hard to cut with a dull knife. 2. not bright or clear; lacking in vividness, brightness, or intensity: »a dull sound, a dull green, a dull day of rain. SYNONYM(S): obscure …   Useful english dictionary

  • dull — dull1 [ dʌl ] adjective ** ▸ 1 boring ▸ 2 not bright/shiny ▸ 3 not able to react ▸ 4 weak and continuous ▸ 5 low and not clear ▸ 6 not intelligent ▸ 7 not sharp ▸ 8 not busy ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) boring or not interesting: a dull lecture Life in a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • dull — I UK [dʌl] / US adjective Word forms dull : adjective dull comparative duller superlative dullest ** 1) boring, or not interesting Life in a small village can be very dull. a dull lecture 2) a) not bright or shiny hair that looks dull and… …   English dictionary

  • dull — dullness, dulness, n. dully, adv. /dul/, adj., duller, dullest, v. adj. 1. not sharp; blunt: a dull knife. 2. causing boredom; tedious; uninteresting: a dull sermon. 3. not lively or spirited; listless. 4. not b …   Universalium

  • dull — [[t]dʌl[/t]] adj., dull•er, dull•est, v. 1) not sharp; blunt: a dull knife[/ex] 2) uninteresting: a dull sermon[/ex] 3) not lively or spirited; listless 4) not bright, intense, or clear; dim: a dull day; a dull sound[/ex] 5) having very little… …   From formal English to slang

  • dull*/ — [dʌl] adj I 1) boring, or not interesting Life in a small village can be very dull.[/ex] a dull lecture[/ex] 2) not bright or shiny hair that looks dull and lifeless[/ex] a dull colour[/ex] 3) a dull pain is not very strong but continues for a… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • dull — /dʌl / (say dul) adjective 1. slow of understanding; obtuse; stupid. 2. lacking keenness of perception in the senses or feelings; insensible; unfeeling. 3. not intense or acute: a dull pain. 4. slow in motion or action; not brisk; sluggish. 5.… …  

  • dull — 1. adjective 1) a dull novel Syn: uninteresting, boring, tedious, monotonous, unrelieved, unvaried, unimaginative, uneventful; characterless, featureless, colorless, lifeless, insipid, unexciting, uninspiring, unstimulating …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • dull — 1. adjective 1) a dull novel Syn: uninteresting, boring, tedious, monotonous, unimaginative, uneventful, characterless, featureless, colourless, lifeless, unexciting, uninspiring, flat, bland, stodgy, dreary; informal de …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • Sound symbolism — or phonosemantics is a branch of linguistics and refers to the idea that vocal sounds have meaning. In particular, sound symbolism is the idea that phonemes (the written representations of sounds, transcribed between slashes like this: /b/) carry …   Wikipedia

  • dull — dull1 S3 [dʌl] adj comparative duller superlative dullest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(boring)¦ 2¦(colour/light)¦ 3¦(weather)¦ 4¦(pain)¦ 5¦(sound)¦ 6¦(knife/blade)¦ 7¦(not intelligent)¦ 8¦(trade)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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