dull luster
Смотреть что такое "dull luster" в других словарях:
Luster — Lus ter, Lustre Lus tre, n. [F. lustre; cf. It. lustro; both fr. L. lustrare to purify, go about (like the priests at the lustral sacrifice), traverse, survey, illuminate, fr. lustrum a purificatory sacrifice; perh. akin to E. loose. But lustrare … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Luster ware — Luster Lus ter, Lustre Lus tre, n. [F. lustre; cf. It. lustro; both fr. L. lustrare to purify, go about (like the priests at the lustral sacrifice), traverse, survey, illuminate, fr. lustrum a purificatory sacrifice; perh. akin to E. loose. But… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
luster — luster, sheen, gloss, glaze are comparable when they denote a smooth shining surface that is the natural property of a thing or is given to it by some such process as polishing, burnishing, or coating. Luster basically and in technical use… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Dull — Dull, a. [Compar. {Duller}; superl. {Dullest}.] [AS. dol foolish; akin to gedwelan to err, D. dol mad, dwalen to wander, err, G. toll mad, Goth. dwals foolish, stupid, cf. Gr. ? turbid, troubled, Skr. dhvr to cause to fall. Cf. {Dolt}, {Dwale},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dull — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English dul; akin to Old English dol foolish, Old Irish dall blind Date: 13th century 1. mentally slow ; stupid 2. a. slow in perception or sensibility ; insensible < somewhat dull of h … New Collegiate Dictionary
dull — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. unsharp, blunt; deadened, numb; stupid; tedious, uninteresting, boring; spiritless, vapid, vacuous; dead, lifeless; sluggish, listless, lethargic; lackluster, dim, cloudy, obscure, stale, jaded. v.… … English dictionary for students
go dull — A condition of paint that has lost its luster … Dictionary of automotive terms
attrital coal — n the ground mass or matrix of banded coal in which vitrain and, commonly, fusain layers as well, are embedded or enclosed. DISCUSSION Layers in banded coal, often referred to as bands, are commonly 1 to 30 mm thick. Attrital coal in banded coal… … Coke&Coal Terminology
Moganite — General Category Silicate mineral Chemical formula SiO2 Strunz classification 04.DA.20 Dana classification … Wikipedia
Spinel — General Category Oxide minerals Spinel group Chemical formula MgAl2O4 … Wikipedia
peau de soie — |pōdə|swä noun Etymology: French, literally, skin of silk : a silk or rayon dress fabric with a smooth satiny texture and a fine ribbed or grained surface * * * /poh deuh swah , poh deuh swah / a soft, satin weave cloth of silk or rayon, grainy… … Useful english dictionary