duality law
Смотреть что такое "duality law" в других словарях:
duality — index duplicity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Duality (electrical circuits) — For other meanings of the word not related to electrical circuits, see Duality (disambiguation). In electrical engineering, electrical terms are associated into pairs called duals. A dual of a relationship is formed by interchanging voltage and… … Wikipedia
duality — by Ashley Woodward Duality is one of Baudrillard s most central ideas, with which many of his other concepts and contentions have an integral relation: reversibility is an applied form of duality (PW), seduction is always a dual relation… … The Baudrillard dictionary
Duality (electricity and magnetism) — For other meanings of the word not related to electricity and magnetism, see Duality (disambiguation). In physics, the electromagnetic dual concept is based on the idea that, in the static case, electromagnetism has two separate facets: electric… … Wikipedia
Duality (mechanical engineering) — In mechanical engineering, many terms are associated into pairs called duals. A dual of a relationship is formed by interchanging force (stress) and deformation (strain) in an expression. Here is a partial list of mechanical dualities: force… … Wikipedia
Law and literature — The law and literature movement focuses on the interdisciplinary connection between law and literature. Believed to have originally begun as a subcategory of jurisprudence, the movement encompasses the complementary ideas of law in literature and … Wikipedia
Wave–particle duality — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle … Wikipedia
Stone duality — In mathematics, there is an ample supply of categorical dualities between certain categories of topological spaces and categories of partially ordered sets. Today, these dualities are usually collected under the label Stone duality, since they… … Wikipedia
Copyright law of the Soviet Union — Copyright in Russia • Copyright law of the Soviet Union • Copyright law of the Russian Federation • International copyright relations of Russia The Copyright law of the Soviet … Wikipedia
duplicity — du·plic·i·ty /dü pli sə tē, dyü / n pl ties [Late Latin duplicitat duplicitas duality, double dealing, from Latin duplex twofold] 1: the use of deceptive words or actions 2: the use of more than one claim, allegation, or defense in a single… … Law dictionary
citizen — cit·i·zen n [Anglo French citezein, alteration of Old French citeien, from cité city] 1: a native or naturalized individual who owes allegiance to a government (as of a state or nation) and is entitled to the enjoyment of governmental protection… … Law dictionary