dual step

dual step
мат. двойной шаг

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dual step" в других словарях:

  • Dual impedance — and dual network are terms used in electronic network analysis. The dual of an impedance is its algebraic inverse . Note that and are the duals of each other, that is, they are reciprocal. For this reason the dual impedance is also called the… …   Wikipedia

  • Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure — デュアル!ぱられルンルン物語 (Dyuaru! Parare Runrun Monogatari) Genre Comedy, Mecha TV anime Directed by …   Wikipedia

  • Dual pipelining — was introduced in the Intel Pentium processor. This technology allows the processor to break down a command into two shorter commands and execute them simultaneously when it receives a long command. If there are separate tasks that must be… …   Wikipedia

  • Dual diagnosis — This article is about co occurring mental disorder and substance abuse. For the general definition of any two diagnoses together, see Comorbidity. The term dual diagnosis is used to describe the comorbid condition of a person considered to be… …   Wikipedia

  • Dual gauge — Track gauge by size Broad gauge Sta …   Wikipedia

  • Dual monarchy of England and France — The Royal Arms of England during Henry VI s reign The dual monarchy of England and France existed during the latter phase of the Hundred Years War when Charles VII of France and Henry VI of England disputed the succession to the throne of France …   Wikipedia

  • Step in the Name of Love — Single infobox | Name = Step in the Name of Love (remix) Artist = R. Kelly from Album = Chocolate Factory Released = 2003 Format = Recorded = 2002 Genre = R B Length = 5:42 (album version) 7:12 (remix) Label = Jive Records Writer = R. Kelly… …   Wikipedia

  • Dual Edge Snowboard — The Dual Edge Snowboard (DES) is a technical categorization of a general snowboard concept and technology, where a device or mechanism creates two simultaneously ridden edges for a snowsport equipment that allows the user to ride in a similar… …   Wikipedia

  • Twelve-step program — ] As summarized by the American Psychological Association, the process involves the following: * admitting that one cannot control one s addiction or compulsion; * recognizing a greater power that can give strength; * examining past errors with… …   Wikipedia

  • Constraint satisfaction dual problem — The dual problem is a reformulation of a constraint satisfaction problem expressing each constraint of the original problem as a variable. Dual problems only contain binary constraints, and are therefore solvable by algorithms tailored for such… …   Wikipedia

  • Twelve-Step Program — A Twelve Step Program is a set of guiding principles outlining a course of action for recovery from addiction, compulsion, or other behavioral problems. Originally proposed by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) as a method of recovery from alcoholism,[1]… …   Wikipedia

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